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[Pen/Pencil Review] [Writer Blog] The Dallas Pen Show

Posted by reudaly on September 28, 2011 in Conventions, Review, Writing, writing instruments |

This week, I’m actually going to combine pen blog with writer blog. Mostly because I participated in TWO conventions this weekend (one only for a limited amount of time), and this second one had bearing on both writing and pens. I participated in FenCon and The Dallas Pen Show – thankfully they were on opposite ends of the same road…

I have always been relatively isolated when it comes to my fandoms/loves. I didn’t know about organized fandom until I discovered the internet. I didn’t know there were major stationary shows until Facebook. And after living in Dallas/Fort Worth for more than 20 years, I didn’t know there was a Dallas Pen Show until about six months ago. I’m a very happy pen fangirl.

So, the writer part of me – the professional writer part of me – is doing the “post mortem” of the pen show, and cringing a little at the fangirl excitement I showed. I should have played it “cooler”, but hello! Two GIANT ROOMS OF PENS AND PENCILS! I showed some monetary restraint, but the rest? Yeah, not so much.

I met the editors of Pen World magazine. And when I contact them later today, part of it will be to apologize for my…effusiveness. You’d think I was a hayseed right off the bus from Omaha seeing LA or NYC for the first time. HOWEVER, they were people I went to meet. Pen World is a premiere magazine for pen collectors. It’s glossy. It’s gorgeous. And, yes, if I were to pick a non-fiction writing dream job…it would be there. Fortunately the editor-in-chief was very kind to this supposedly composed professional fiction writer turning into the Were-Newbie. Even those of us who’ve been doing this for a while can slip when faced with something we’re passionate about. That’s your writer bit for the week.

The Pen Show itself? I could’ve spent many more hours and lots more dollars there. I’m pretty sure there were seminars on the care and feeding of your fine writing instruments, but since my time was limited – after all, I was on duty at FenCon at the time – I only saw the “exhibit hall” or “dealer’s room”…ROOMS. There were two. Pens as far as the eye could see. I was completely overwhelmed.

The Dallas Pen Show has one room with a silent auction (I think). It reminded me of the FenCon Art show – awesome stuff, bid sheets, etc. Don’t know if they have a voice auction. The rest of the room were individual dealers/collectors/restorers. The second room housed retail dealers off all types and all styles of pens – old, new, inexpensive, VERY expensive, and everything in between. I spent a LOT of time with my hands in my pockets – NOT TOUCHING THE PRETTY.

I did buy a few things. Jimmy and I have been watching the stories about the Monteverde One Touch. A vendor had one in the colors we liked. I did pick up an older Sheaffer fine point fountain pen in green and in original packaging (it’s not now). This was my first ever fountain pen that I used until it broke. Now I have another one. I did get a “starter” fountain pen from the Bexley Fountain Pen Company rep (it’ll be a while before I can afford their normal line). They’re based in Ohio. I’ll discuss these more in depth over the next few weeks.

Jimmy and I both hoping The Dallas Pen Show is some other weekend besides the same weekend as FenCon next year so we can BOTH go and spend more than an hour and a half. I barely scratched the surface, and really want to learn more about this addiction I have. The best part was finding out I’m not that odd for having a love of writing instruments. I would probably make most pen collectors weep because I buy pens to USE, not look at. So I probably don’t treat them the way I’m supposed to. But hey, I’m a writer who loves pens, that means they’re a tool for my trade.

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