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[Pen Review] The Seven Year Pen by Sustainable Seltzer Products

Posted by reudaly on August 15, 2011 in Review, Writing, writing instruments |

About a year ago I ordered a pen from Sustainable Seltzer Products, The Seven Year Pen in the “Need Coffee” motif. Why would I do this when I’ve said often that ball point pens are my least favorite ink pen? 1) I was curious about a pen that boasts it can last for 7 years, and2) the “Need Coffee” with skull-and-crossbones accents. It was a must have.

The Seven Year pen is made in Switzerland and is purported to be eco-friendly. It contains a jumbo ink cartridge that is supposed to write 1.7 meters a day for seven years. The chrome hardware is solid, and though made of lightweight plastic, it is still a balanced, good-feeling pen with a twist mechanism rather than clicking. It is 5.5″ long retracted, 5.75″ tip out.

The pen is comfortable in my hand. The ink flows smoothly across most paper, and has a dark pigment. This pen has a medium point – but it does fall on the finer end of the medium spectrum, which I like. I can’t speak to the longevity yet. I haven’t used the pen on a long-term daily basis over the last year – mostly because I don’t want to wear off the accents.

The Seven Year pen is available online through various websites, and in various colors and designs. They run about $7.50 a piece, which means it’s expensive for a novelty ball point pen, but if it lasts even half as long as it swears it does, still makes it an economical buy. Not to mention it’s just darned cool. I like this pen. It’s one of my favorite ball points – but being ball point, I don’t use it as often as many of my other pens. It’s solid, durable, and gets a solid 3.5 bronze pencils.

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