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[Pen/Pencil Review] The TomBow Zoom 505sh 0.5mm Mechanical Pencil

Posted by reudaly on July 18, 2011 in Review, writing instruments |

The Tom Bow Zoom 505sh is the matching pencil to my previously reviewed 505bw rollerball. I had a review written about this pencil back when I first received it, but it went…somewhere. And now I’m kind of glad about that, it’s given me a chance to revisit the review.

The first thing I did with my TomBow 505sh – which is a 0.5mm mechanical pencil – is replace the lead in it with 2B lead. It’s my favorite mechanical pencil lead. Soft (but not too) and dark (but eraseable), it makes me happy. But lead is lead in most cases – it ‘s how the pencil handles that differs.

The TomBow Zoom 505sh – in purple aluminum with stainless steel accents – is a sharp-looking writing instrument. It’s on the verge of “too” without crossing the line. It’s almost too thick to be comfortable, but not. It’s almost too short to be comfortable, but it’s not. It’s 5.5 inches long capped -yes, capped to make it match the pen. It’s 6 inches long with the cap posted. The cap snugs up to the advancing mechanism in the back of the pencil to make it one complete functioning unit.

The finger grip is black rubber and is comfortable for normal use. The ridges between the finger grip and the stainless steel mechanism can dig in for those like me who have strangle holds on our writing instruments – especially in long-haul use. But, if you’re not using it to write a novel, or write with a lighter touch than me – it’s a good, solid pencil. I’ve been using it to make notes while on the computer for the last week, and had a good time with it. Not to mention, if you’re using the set in the office, they look really nice on the desk blotter.

And that’s what I’d use this set for… a desk set. To grab to make meeting notes, call notes, editng, etc. To have on hand for a quick memo or calendar notation – there are far more comfortable pens for writing long-form things with. But all in all the TomBow Zoom 505sh is a good, solid writing instrument. I give it 3.5 stars.

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