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[Pen Pencil Review] The Ohto Promecha 500P by Guest Blogger Jimmy Simpson

Posted by reudaly on June 20, 2011 in Life, Review, writing instruments |

This week’s pen/pencil review is done by my husband, Jimmy. Little did I know when I married him that he had a love of mechanical/drafting pencils that nearly rivals my pen addiction. Brad from was kind enough to enable both of us in his shipment – since Jimmy was the one who introduced me to the wonder that is

Hello, this is Rhonda’s husband, Jimmy, again writing a review of the Ohto Promecha 500P 0.5mm mechanical pencil that JetPens sent us for review. This pencil is available on their website at currently priced at $7.50.

Upon first receiving the pencil my first reaction was that it had an extremely long head to it, a little over 19mm. Looking at my other drafting pencils, confirmed that this was longer than all of them. But when I looked at all of my other mechanical pencils, it is actually about the same length as the pencil I have been using since I was a kid, the Pentel P205, so, it may be long for a drafting pencil, but does fall into line with other mechanical pencils.

The next thing I noticed was how light the pencil is. Of the four pencils pictured above, it is the lightest. It is an aluminum barrel that makes it so light, with the inner workings being made of plastic.

The barrel is 7.54mm in diameter with the grooved grip being 9.29mm in diameter. Overall the pencil measures out to be 138.26mm with a 4mm lead guide pipe. The clip on the pencil is one of the stronger clips out of my collection. One thing I do like is that they have the size of the lead on the top of the eraser cap, with the background color coded, so that you can see at a glance the size lead when it is in a pencil cup. The one design flaw that I see is that the inner sleeve does rattle against the barrel when you are moving it about. I don’t notice it so much when writing, but it does make erasing a challenge with the inner sleeve being that loose.

Overall for its price point, this is a great pencil, but it is a too light for my tastes.

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