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[Writer Post] Sometimes Being a Writer ROCKS!

Posted by reudaly on May 25, 2011 in Life, Writing |

The last several days have shown me why I LOVE being a writer. Despite being in a bit of technological crapshoot at the moment (the website will be down a bit on Wednesday while domains are renewed and shifted and STUFF), there have been some major upticks.

Friday of last week, I had a phone interview for a job that would be doing financial magazine writing and editing. The in-person interview is Wednesday at 2 p.m. It’s not the most ideal “responsible adult” job on the planet, but it’s darned close. The ideal job would be actually making a living writing fiction and/or office supplies. 😎

Over the weekend I was given some happy news that I’m not quite at liberty to discuss openly just yet. Once I get contracts or permission – then it can be told…but until then, know it’s happy making news.

Monday was the bonanza of giddy news. The awesome Brad Foster sent me the cover to my new chapbook that will hopefully be out by SoonerCon, if we can get the layout done and to the printer in the next day or two and not get blown away by storms. Isn’t it pretty????

Then, out of the blue, I got my dream “paid-in-product” jobs. Brad Dowdy of (one of my favorite websites EVAR) emailed and asked if they sent me stuff, would I review their products on my website. That took, what a NANOSECOND to answer. I was slightly more professional than “HECK YEAH!”. For a gig that doesn’t actually help pay the rent, it makes my giddy happy. And since it’s someone else sending me the stuff, I’ll actually, you know, DO the reviews.

Now, you ask, what about the actual writing stuff? This is “editing season”. I have a few weeks to get notes done on the new Redheads manuscript. BTW, you can now access the Redheads Facebook fan page at . I’m working on some other bits of editing. And there is a new story that I need to write, now that I have the character’s name in place – it’s based on a WIP by artist William Hodgson. And I need to get back to that.

Bear with the website as it goes down a bit tomorrow. I’ll have everything up and running again soon. Oh, and I’ll have to repost this once all the migrations happen, because this isn’ t part of the back up. You’ll see it again on Thursday, probably. 😎

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