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[Writer Post] A Dark and Stormy Afternoon

Posted by reudaly on May 11, 2011 in Writing |

It’s a dark and stormy afternoon. You’d think that would make for good blog writing weather. Yeah…I almost completely forgot about this being Wednesday and this being Blog Day. Oops.

So, what do I have to talk about? Procrastination? Been there done that – staring at the building pile of editing that’s mocking me. Yeah…I have all the short stories I’m about to put on Kindle/Smashwords in the edit pile. I have the old bits of two novels in the edit pile so I know where I was so I know where to go. And now I have the first full draft of Redheads on the editing pile. Oh, and a short script I was supposed to do something with LAST MONTH on the editing pile. Can you tell I’ve been putting it off?

I could talk about the new adventures in ebooks coming down the pike. Writer Beware mentions Ed Victor – a major literary agent – is turning “publisher” by turning his client’s backlist books into ebooks and PODs. It may seem like a good idea at first, but Dean Wesley Smith posted his take on the same situation. You can form your own opinion, but you can see why I’m looking into doing some things myself. Besides these articles say it so much better than I could with cowering puppies under my feet.

Or we can talk productivity. I’ve finished two NON-FICTION pieces this week. One will be submitted to the editor tonight or tomorrow. One was snail mailed to an actual IN PRINT magazine. It’s a completely off the cuff, spec article, but it would be a “dream” magazine to write for if possible.

Conventions are gearing up. Which happens in the summer – so look out world, here comes the Redheads. And right now, I’m “redder” than normal. I’ve been coloring my gray and this time around it came out a bit darker – more brilliantly red/copper – than ever before. If my natural color were brunette, it would be kinda that Goth-y/Roller Derby kinda red, but I’m not and it’s not…quite. But there’s some ‘tude to the color this time around.

I’m still dealing with “responsible adulthood” and applying for work. Had an interview. But it all works for the good. It really does. I WISH I could stay home and write full time, but that’s not financially feasible just yet – not that I would turn down the opportunity. TRUST ME. That would mean calendars and deadlines and such things to keep me from procrastinating. And I would have more interesting things to blog about. 😎 I suppose I should go get some tea – iced, it’s still warm even if stormy – and do some editing.

Or I could play a game of my favorite time-waster – Rocket Mania.

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