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[Writer Post] Cha…Cha…Changes

Posted by reudaly on February 16, 2011 in Life, Writing |

Yeah, the only thing more inevitable than Death and Taxes is Change. I am, apparently, living in interesting times. My metric ton of change can start being more encouraging and less “We’re having ice cream, darn it!”, and it can spread out some more. I am, however, still in contact with Silver Lining Girl, so I do know that all this impending change will work out for The Greater Good, but I am also Realist enough to still be worrying/concerned about it.

Change isn’t all bad. I’ve been known – as have many writers – to channel change and the resulting emotional turmoil into my writing. I worked out a lot of stress by working on a Serial Killer novel. Fictionally creating havoc for characters has been known to be completely cathartic. If you’re in that position, consider it. In fact, I need to take some time tonight to do a little of that myself.

Change doesn’t have to be all stress and anxiety. It can also be opportunistic…in the good way. My schedule is about to go slightly out of whack by attending ConDFW this weekend and spending the two Saturdays following ConDFW attending a screenplay workshop teaching adaptations. I may even talk to the other Redheads to see if they’d mind me using the Chapbook as my adaptation material. But these opportunistic changes allow me to branch out, meet new people, and network in ways I don’t have just every day.

But either way, Change is scary because it pulls us out of our comfort zone and throws us into unknown situations. For better or worse, this is what makes us better people and better writers. Change in our lives gives us more things to write about or write through, giving fodder to our creative muses to allow us to produce more, write better, and hopefully find a publisher and audience.

Dude, I’m totally channeling my Day Job marketing department. It’s time to go embrace some change – in this case scenery. There’s a beautiful day outside today. I’m going to go enjoy it – with a pen and a notebook (and bouncy dogs).

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