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[Writer Post] Be Careful What You Wish For

Posted by reudaly on January 19, 2011 in Life, Writing |

You know the phrase, “Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it?” Yeah, well, that’s what happens when you start talking about the need to implement all your Time Management skills. It’s like praying for patience. You end up in situations where you NEED that virtue. And that’s what’s happened to me this week.

Beyond the normal “life” stuff I have one short story deadline looming (and the story sitting at half completion), ROTA draft at about half completion, and now a collaborative Super Sekrit project has been reanimated with a pretty ambitious deadline. And ConDFW is ONLY a month away (actually, less now, I think). Oh, and yes, where there is ConDFW, there is also my birthday (this time the day before ConDFW). This is where all that basic whining about Time Management comes back to bite me in the butt — also because it’s “Crazy Time” at the Day Job as well (Of course).

Because of all of this, I’ve barely had time to take notice of the brouhaha going on over a writing contest. But much better and more attentive writers than me have written and posted and poked the bear on the First One Digital Publishing contest. So much so that the last reports had the organizers in a 404 error on the rules page – it remains to be seen if they are retooling their rules or hiding. Check out Keith DeCandido or John Scalzi for their reports on it.

E-Books and The Future of Publishing still seem to be on the front lines of publishing news and writers’ minds. Not surprising this close to the Holidays and the end of the year. But again…I’m in the throes of having to put words on paper. Though these are issues I care about, keeping abreast of them is another thing.

Heck, even gearing up for the convention season is happening piecemeal and when I can squeeze in the time. Fortunately, a very, very good trip to my favorite resale shop has netted me most of what I need for the season, dirt cheap. Gotta love the bargains (ya can’t beat 2 evening dresses, 4 pairs of jeans, 2 shirts, a bathrobe, and a pair of Sequined Converse One Stars for less than $60). But that hasn’t worked for getting my promotional items inventoried and/or created. Oh, and FenCon duties have also reared their heads (oops).

Did I mention ConDFW is less than a month away, and I have a Jan. 30 short story deadline? See Rhonda Run. See Rhonda Scramble.

But Rhonda in Scramble Mode is a productive (hopefully) Rhonda. I talked about my need for deadlines in order to Get Things Done, well, this is it. Here I go. Fingers crossed. Once more into the breach, and all that pep talky goodness. Come see me at ConDFW to see if I’m still functional. 😎

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