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[Writing Post] And Once More…It’s Wednesday.

Posted by reudaly on January 12, 2011 in Life, Writing |

Hey, look…it’s Wednesday again. That means something…writerly. So…what am I doing now? I’m doing the writer version of chores. In just a few weeks, my convention season begins with ConDFW. I have a short story deadline before that and some other business related work to do before then.

What are considered a writer’s “Chores”? Well, I’ve been working on typing up a lot of things that I’ve written out long hand. I do quite a bit of long-hand work because I LOVE writing instruments. I’m addicted to writing instruments. However, no one takes handwritten manuscripts anymore, so there’s the process of typing. Unfortunately, that’s something I tend to put off until I have a ton of stuff to type. That’s one of those pesky things that has to be done that I tend to put off.

So, in the goal to finish projects and write more, part of that is to figure out where I am and where I need to go (which means updating the electronic versions so I know how far along I am. Especially with the short story and the novella – there are word count limits there. I can’t just let them wander off on their own (which is what happens when you’re merrily writing away in a notebook and not paying attention).

Also, I have a deadline for a short story. Right now, I don’t have the whole story together in the computer…that’s not a good thing. So, that’s the priority of my time. I need to figure out how far along I am in the story so I know how much I’m going to have to edit and fix in a short amount of time.

The rest of the “chores” involve the business end of things. I’ve ordered my stock of books for the conventions I need books for. I’ve poked (and need to poke again, perhaps) at least one market that has some of my submissions to find out what’s going on. I do need to update the full submission log. I haven’t done that in a while. I need to also think about my marketing materials (Gimme stuff) for the early conventions and what I need to put together for the rest of the year.

These are all the necessary (but not necessarily fun) parts of writing, and – unless you’re a huge name and/or filthy rich and can hire someone to do it for you – you’re stuck with it. Yeah, welcome to the glamorous life of writing. Enjoy it.

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