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Technology Fails Me…Or Vice Versa…Once More

Posted by reudaly on July 25, 2010 in Life |

I had some ideas for being extra creative in the next year… and trying to get a running start on that, I went to pull up some very old files. VERY OLD files. Very old WordPerfect files (like version 6 – late 1990s). So trying to figure out what to do (Office won’t open them), I went to Corel.

And thought I was in luck they have a nifty 30 day free trial of their WordPerfect Office x5 with the badge that says it runs on Windows 7. So I download it. I install it, and it errors out. Access denied on DLL files. Huh. So I redownload it. Same error. I clean out the download files – from two different places – and try it a third time. Same errors.

Blarg. Back to the drawing board to figure out how to open these technological (and probably writing quality) dinosaurs. I have my reasons. Don’t judge me. 😎

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