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Writerly Post – Sort of, Not Really — TOO EXCITED.

Posted by reudaly on July 21, 2010 in Life, Writing |

I know I owe you guys a post on being a writer… and I started two different ones, then this happened…

You see, I sent a copy with Jimmy to #SDCC – yes, to give to her because Felicia is inspirational in doing things the non-traditional way. And because we did When the Party’s Over non-traditionally, I put her in my dedication. Then this happened…

And yes, these are iPhone pictures from Jimmy – I won’t get to see these until he gets back in a week! But now I’m too excited to focus, darn it. And I need to focus. I need to write. I have fiction words to write. I have more to do.

Though, in the writerly realms – this is a way to do some marketing. Because yee haw, my chapbook is in the hands of Felica-freakin’-Day!!!! Do I expect anything to come of it besides this incredible warm fuzzy? Heck no – except I HOPE she enjoys it if she does read it (I know she’s going to get a ton of stuff this week, and it’s not like she’s not one of the busiest people in California). But if possible, I do like to give copies to the people I thank personally in a book. BUT DUDE!!!! FELICIA DAY!!!! How cool is that????

So, while I’m being a giggly fangirl – I’m also going to do some research into a shared world universe. Shared worlds are something I will be discussing in the future – and for the record, I do consider Media Tie-In to be one of the more commercial ways to do Shared World. And Shared Worlds can be one of the most difficult – as well as (in some cases) easier if you have a good handle on the world. We’ll see how this ones goes. 😎

Oh, and at my day job today, I was able to be creative a bit – and channel my “inner pimp”. Yeah, one of the whitest girl writers around got to channel her inner pimp – and be clean about it. It was kinda fun…fo shizzle. It was more my channeling my “inner JD” from Scrubs than my inner pimp. It worked.

Okay, now to see if I can eat something now…


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