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Glory, Hallelujah…Progress

Posted by reudaly on June 10, 2010 in Life, Writing |

As I’ve mentioned (a lot) the last couple of months have been stupid busy and exhausting. I have gotten some writing done but not a lot. And most of that has been piddling with old plot bunnies to see if there’s life in any of them – what there was was no life in me – creatively speaking.

BUT… and this is a good one… SoonerCon, like all good conventions was both exhausting – when I had few reserves – and invigorating. You really want to know why writers go to conventions? Because when they’re good you come home determined to be productive and brilliant just to keep up with your cohorts. And, seriously, I have some of the best cohorts in the world. They challenge me, inspire me, and make me love what I do – even in trailer park model gear.

I found myself angry – at myself – for being a slacker and not getting more done. (Okay, it still took a few days to get back some semblance of coherency). But today? TODAY??? Today saw an outpouring of new words on a new project (yes, I know I have a bajillion of them waiting for my attention, including two novels or more), but this new project has a hard deadline of the end of the month. It’s a contest. It’s a silly contest for a good cause, and I wanted to play.

TODAY I wrote about 200-250 new, goofy, silly, maybe crap words for this silly, goofy project. And it was GOOD. Oh.

I admit I had been doing really well with consistent word counts. I fell off the wagon. Fell off and rolled into the gutter. But I’m back on my feet now, and I’ve got one hand on the tailgate. This weekend I’m taking a pseudo-vacation. I’m turning everything off and relaxing – except for Sunday when I go to The A-Team Movie. (That’s the other reason to turn off, so I don’t get spoilered. Yes, I’m looking at one of you in particular…)

But I’m back on track now. ApolloCon is in two weeks. Then a bit of a breather before ArmadilloCon. It’s good.

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