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Writerly Post – Writers and Dignity

Posted by reudaly on June 9, 2010 in Conventions, Writing |

We don’t need no stinkin’ dignity…

I’ve just returned from SoonerCon in Oklahoma City. Except for one weird thing – they didn’t do autographing sessions at all, don’t know why – this was the best run, most fun SoonerCon I’ve been to. And the kicker? The hotel did not try to kill me this year. I think a lot of the fun came from the energy of the panelists and guests. Yard Dog Press came out in force for our 15th Anniversary and it showed.

The thing with small presses (and independent writers) is that all or almost all of the marketing comes from the writers and from word of mouth – why? Because that’s all there is. I’ve talked about this before – it’ll come up again. And when it comes to self-marketing – sometimes and in controlled situations – you, the writer, have to throw dignity to the wind in order to get the word out.

Notice I said “sometimes” and “in controlled circumstances”. I do not mean spam everyone you’ve ever known – living or dead – multiple times a day to buy your books. Why? Because you will tick off everyone living, and assure yourself a place with used car salesmen in the hereafter. No one wants that, right? Your readers want to be entertained. That’s your job. Entertain – on the written page and in person. I blame MTV and American Idol.

Back to Yard Dog Press, I enjoy writing for Selina Rosen. She’s a fantastic editor. However, that means taking on some “extracurricular” activities. At many conventions when YDP descends, we do this thing called “The Traveling Road Show”. Mostly it’s to relieve pressure from the ConCom to find programming space for individual readings. We do 3-5 minute readings with “interpretive dance” (aka – acting it out) to keep it from being boring. Occasionally, we act out a murder mystery or do a variety show based on the Bubbas of the Apocalypse universe. We do this to entertain the fans in a non-traditional manner and to get people laughing and thinking about the press. Which then, in turn, leads to sales. As part of the Four Redheads of the Apocalypse, we do panels – many times fake press conferences – in character just to give our fans something different than a panel of authors talking about their books.

Yes, many times that means leaving the image of “dignified author” at the door. There are times for that. I’m very professional – or try to be – as a convention guest. But “dignified” doesn’t always sell the books – and as much as “dignified” and “professional” are all well and good, they can also come off as cool, aloof, and unapproachable. There are lines we all must define and not cross. Professional but approachable. Goofball but not foolish. It’s all a balance.

People can’t buy books if they don’t know about them. If by doing a Road Show, a radio play in a cabaret, or a Redheads event someone remembers me in the hallway or at the YDP booth and checks out a book, I’ve done my job – and done it well – even if it’s not MY book. Yes, selling MY books is the goal, but the good financial health of my publisher is good for me. So, yeah, I figure an hour of making a clown of myself is worth the investment in my professional future, because – believe me – publishers notice. They notice who’s willing to put in the work – on all fronts – and they will talk to each other. Think about it.

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