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Radio…Well, Quiet…and Craziness

Posted by reudaly on February 23, 2010 in Life, Writing |

February is the shortest month of the year – but this year it’s also the craziest.

Survived two conventions back-to-back, my birthday, and one of the worst sinus attacks in quite a while (almost still getting over that one). My Day Job is nutso right now and will continue to be such for at least this week and probably next as our major deadline looms large. I’m on crazy split shifts, but it’s only for a short amount of time.

John Picacio “tweeted” yesterday that he was in “He who panics least wins” mode – I get that. I get that A LOT. My newly founded team is in that groove.

So I’ll be online but not really for a while. I’m getting the basic necessities done, but not much more. I’m not hitting my 300+ words a day, but I do make a point of writing SOMETHING new every day. Yesterday it was only about 50 words, but I got ’em in.

If you’re looking for me, good luck. 😎

Oh, update on When the Party’s Over – we only need to sell ~8 more chapbooks (or ~15 ebook donations) to earn out this print run of the independent project. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT now and in the future. Please send your friends and family members my way. 😎

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