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ConDFW is in the Rearview

Posted by reudaly on February 14, 2010 in Life |

And it was a totally successful convention. There was a bit of miscounting (due to lack of sleep and over-caffeination) I sold 15 copies of “When the Party’s Over”. We sold a TON of the new Redheads of the Apocalypse. Came home with a couple of AWESOME pre-birthday presents. Ate decent Asian food. Indulged in Turkish Coffee.

Talked to a LOT of people. Signed A LOT of books. And was able to help our a fellow author and publisher by doing an airport run. Got invited to a new convention (held when I can actually GO).

The bunny slippers made an EXCELLENT impression. And a jacket I’d put aside for a while for not fitting fits once more.

It was a GOOD convention. Very tired now. But it’s a good tired. Going to bed early tonight I think.

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