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My Kingdom for A Car…

Posted by reudaly on January 21, 2010 in Life |

Well, not the WHOLE kingdom. But as of 8 a.m. this morning, we are in need of a car.

We’re looking for a solid, reliable 4-door, automatic in the ~$3K range. Preferably some kind of hatchback/wagon/suvish type for hauling art and books and stuff – but not dealbreakers. If you know anyone who has something like this that needs a good home, please let us know either here, LJ, Twitter, Facebook, IM, phone, smoke signals — something.

The Toyota is dead. Long live the Toyota. It led a good, long, low mileage life – it was a 1992 Toyota Paseo with 169,000 miles on it. Now it’s a paperweight. The differential decided to finally wear out. The cost of repairs is much higher than the book value of the car.

So, again, anyone who knows someone selling a decent car, please let us know. This was in no way, shape, or form the way we’d planned on replacing my car – nor is it the timing we had in mind, but it’s what we have to deal with.

Thanks for the help.

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