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Snow and Productivity

Posted by reudaly on December 29, 2009 in Life, Writing |

My theoretical last week of work has started inauspiciously. Monday I had a stomach bug. Today, we were cut loose early because of impending snow (which is actually is at our house now).

Yesterday, I managed to do some business. Today, I’ve posted this week’s StrangeWords.Net article. So I am using my time for Good when possible.

I’m pestering Facebook on a daily basis to find a resolution to my disabled account. There’s been no movement from either Microsoft or iTunes on why iTunes 9 does not play well with each other. I got iTunes to import my Christmas Present CD, but I can’t get it on my iPod Touch to sync because iTunes freezes up on loading. Sigh.

But tonight is prime fire night, if we can scare up some dry firewood. 😎

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