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Tuesday Derailment

Posted by reudaly on November 17, 2009 in Life |

I had a great idea for a Bubba story – then lost track of time. Now the story is due at the end of the month and the idea IS NOT COMING TOGETHER. I’ve tried twice now, and it keeps stopping and starting. I came up with the idea last year – and put it aside until closer to deadline — then forgot all about it. Now the deadline is in two weeks.

Of course, the reminder came about the time my priority shifted from working to looking for work. Thankfully and fortunately, I have an employment service that is really trying to get me out there. If one of the two temp-to-perm opportunities (I’m interviewing for one on Thursday) doesn’t come to fruition, there’s a shorter-term project coming up. One that demands Photoshop and/or Dreamweaver. So today I’ve been working on online courses through the services.

Fortunately, that all came up AFTER I wrote a 100 word snippety story for Boing Boing’s contest. It was a fun little thing – so I’ve done my word count in.

So, day derailed, but in a good way. The pets have been either extra snuggly or active. We’re going to go find the place I’m interviewing this evening. I have things to do the rest of this week. Fortunately, dinners are all planned.

It would be nice to have a job for Christmas. It really, really would.

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