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Oh, the Understatement

Posted by reudaly on November 2, 2009 in Life |

For those who didn’t get the subtlety of my last post, I’m once more looking for a job as of 5 p.m. on Friday. If anyone knows of anyone looking for a well-rounded individual who writes a lot… send them my way….

Anyway, today’s horoscope made me giggle in the “understatement of the day” manner…

Feisty Mars in your 7th House of Others forms an annoying alignment with unpredictable Uranus today, indicating that your life might not be running as smoothly as you wish. But this aspect is easily handled by changing your attitude. Even if you have specific goals, someone else may have a very different agenda for you now. Instead of fighting over something that ultimately won’t matter, be willing to modify your plans to create more harmony in your environment.

I’ve updated my CareerBuilder and Monster accounts. I still need to go fix Hotjobs, I think. I’ve applied for a couple of jobs now. Still have a couple of job search things left to do today, but it’s a good start for the first morning. I’m going to do some fiction for a while to make sure I keep my life balanced and the bright side shined up.

I didn’t sleep in this morning like I said I might, but I do think there is nap in my afternoon forecast. And a walk to the post office.

But now it’s time for fiction!!!! Many irons. Some hot, some cold, some lukewarm. Need to stoke the fires. I wasn’t expecting a new chapter in my life right now, but okay… this is it.

Anyone have any job leads for either telecommute or DFW area writer-centric jobs, send ’em my way.

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