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Talented Writer/Blogger for Lease

Posted by reudaly on October 30, 2009 in Life |

Writer for Hire. Adept in 200-300 word blog posts on TV, Movies, coupon related posts, and retail marketing posts. Can insert humor into almost anything as well as personality.

Experienced in WordPress blog writing, tagging, and categories.

Experienced in general article writing, column writing, screenplay writing, fiction (short and long) writing, and generally pleasant to be around. Enjoys having a plan but is flexible to work around the plans. Better in writing than on phones.

Has references from former employer.

Wait? Why do I hear Felicia Day in my head? As Penny? Oh, right. I can indeed visualize being fired quite well. Yeah, it’s been that day. My irrational fear and Sense of Impending Doom were actually justified. My job went away today at 5 p.m. after 6 months (Hey, 4 months longer than the one before). Now I need another gig – quick. Monday I delve back into freelancing while we try to figure things out.

In the non-emotional parts of my brain that are currently working, I’m finishing the edits to the collections – getting one out and about to publishers, and the other available for download – next week. WHILE LOOKING FOR A JOB.

Other options are limited but open for discussion. Suggestions welcome.

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