Writer – and Plot Bunny – Enabling
So, as my coffee is kicking in, and I’ve already mentioned on Twitter and Facebook about the territorialness of writers (and people in general), I was starting to think about next week’s StrangeWord post as well as what I was going to do my 250 words on (which I need to be doing now since I may have to go out to lunch today at work for a birthday) today.
Which brings up “Writer Enabling”. And wow, I just realized that “paragraph” up there is one long, weird sentence. Oh, well, it’s Friday and I haven’t had enough coffee yet. Deal. Back on topic.
I’ve been enjoying jotting down plot bunnies over the last couple of weeks. And enjoying more watching a new story really come together. Until now… you see, I have very creative friends. Writers, non-writers, and Transitioning Writers. Two of Which have “enabled” one of my plot bunnies to where it’s now eating my brain. Bad plot bunny. Bad enablers. Bad.
But in a good way. It can be just as distracting from the daily word count to have TOO MANY ideas vying for position as it is to be struggling for one. But I would much rather have rampant plot bunnies any day. Now STOP IT and let me get it done! 😎
1 Comment
You’ve got Zombie Plot Bunnies?!?!
What’s up Doc? Braaaaaaains!