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Computer Heart Transplants and Taunting Mondays

Posted by reudaly on October 14, 2009 in Life |

For the record… Never Taunt Monday. It smacks back. But trust me, I won’t forget my cell phone on the charger again any time soon. Crazy things happened on Monday when I taunted it AND forgot my cell phone.

My lovely, lovely laptop is back – well, mostly. I’m still reloading programs and getting everything set back up. The computer guys finally diagnosed it as a bad hard drive. The GOOD part is that since they didn’t fix the problem, the didn’t charge us for it — which makes me less snippy about it all. So yesterday we went to Frys. I now have a 320 GB hard drive in my computer. That’s TWICE what it came with for well under $100. I could’ve gone up to 500 GB for about another $10 – but DUDE. I was using less than HALF of the original hard drive. And going DOUBLE the size was like $10 more than getting basically the same hard drive I had – which is the smallest they make. Dang.

My thumbdrive back up is a little out of date – as in the last month. I probably lost some email from the last month, but I’m not overly concerned. We are going to attempt to recover some of the data from the old hard drive. But it could’ve been SO. MUCH. WORSE.

It’s just good to be back on the 15.6″ monitor machine with full keyboard than on the netbook. Life is much better now. 😎

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