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Life, Universe, Everything

Posted by reudaly on October 8, 2009 in Life |

Okay, so I want my horoscope to come true – therefore, I guess that means I need to work the rest of my day to make it come true.

Today you are able to turn a very sobering situation into one of hope and inspiration. What begins as a setback, perhaps with a friend or partner, is actually grist for your mill. You needed something real to chew on now and it’s amazing what you can do with it once you find it. Don’t quit too early in the day; give yourself plenty of time to allow your special brand of magic to work.

This week has been a flat-out full week of Monday. Starting last Saturday and progressing right on through today. I know there’s some great lesson I should learn from the stuff that has descended this week. But it’s been a craptastic week – the Elder Cat being only part of the craptasticness that has been this week.

But hey, if it turns out to be hopeful grist to my mill, then huzzah. If my mom can see a bright side to having a stress fracture in her ankle, then, since I am Silver Lining Girl, I should be able to make something good out of this, right?

Though there is part of my brain that’s maniacally laughing and wanting to taunt the universe and dare it to see what it’ll come up with next. Because that always turns out well, right?

This may be a Dr. Horrible afternoon. As for now, I need to start focusing on little things, details, really, and let the Big Picture take care of itself, because – as the Brits say – God is in the detail. THAT is something I need right now.

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