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Guilty Pleasures and Working the Plan

Posted by reudaly on September 29, 2009 in Life, What I'm Reading |

I have a new “guilty pleasure”. Well, I’m starting a new guilty pleasure. Carolyn Hennesy’s Pandora series. I picked up the first one at Half-Price Books because of an inside joke I had with Gordon van Gelder, about Pandora. Now I want to read the rest of the series.


It’s an interesting take on the Pandora myth. Actions with Consequences. Action, adventure, humor, and very “human” but brave teenage girls. And the one I read so far? Very entertaining while it teaches lessons.

Despite a slow start to today, I really am still working my plan. Today, I got a jump on my article for StrangeWords tomorrow. I can get that in and scheduled tonight, or not have to ponder what I’m writing about tomorrow, just type and get one with my projects. It’s good. It’s working. It’s a plan that’s still coming together, but it’s getting there.

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