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Good News/Bad News…

Posted by reudaly on August 27, 2009 in Life |

The Bad News — actually SAD news first. Our friend, Ruth C., lost her husband today. I’m not sure if it was expected (not that a loss like that is expected), but it’s still a blow. Ruth is one of Jimmy’s faithful, wonderful, awesome Art Show volunteer team, and her loss is our loss. Please keep her and her family in your thoughts/prayers.

More friends are being laid off. One I learned about today I may be able to get some contacts to from a previous professional life. She and her husband have been through a lot this year, so a short unemployment would be a HUGE blessing for them.

The Good News — which is self-serving, but hey. I need to check my incoming links more often. I just saw this link from Susan of Stony River from JULY. Somewhere down in the middle is a paragraph in which she says LOVELY things about me. And I don’t think I’ve met her. Which may be why she says nice things about me. 😎

And we ordered media racks online for dirt cheap. They match ones Jimmy’s had for a while. Apparently they’re being discontinued. They got here today, and they sent us the wrong thing — in a good way. They sent the correct STYLE of rack, but they send us the “Double Wides” instead of the “Single Wides” we ordered. So basically we got 4 media racks for the price of ONE. We’re not sending them back. Happy Birthday to Jimmy.

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