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The Upcoming Week

Posted by reudaly on August 23, 2009 in Life |

I hope – since Sunday is the FIRST day of the week – that today’s insane time management continues throughout the week. Considering I had a 1.5 hour nap – a tremendous amount of STUFF got done. None of it included putting words on paper – but it’s all the stuff that keeps us from putting words on paper that got done freeing up time and brain matter for the rest of the week. There are fictional mutants galore in my forecast think.

And I think I know what the StrangeWords article is going to be. The owner thanks you guys for picking up the boo boo on every page but the front. She thanked both Ya’ll and me for keeping the darned thing alive. She has plans for a revamp and wants some idea of how to make it better. Unfortunately, the call came at a point where my only brain cell said, “Get more writers?” But that’s a no brainer. So, any thoughts on making StrangeWords better, let me know. s week, and I might write some fiction too.

It’s less than 1 month away from FenCon. We are having a birthday party for my husband on Saturday. I swear we set this up yesterday and it was a month out… where did that time…oh, right screenplay and ArmadilloCon. Things are coming together but also getting nuttier by the second. BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA… oh wait.

Okay, I’m getting distracted and sleepy. It’s time to shut down and get shut eye.

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