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Randomness when taking a Deadline Break…

Posted by reudaly on August 11, 2009 in Life, Writing |

I’m still on a massive deadline. I’ve gotten quite a bit done today, so I’m taking a wee break before calling it an early night I think. I”m pooped tonight. And pooped does not make for coherent writing. Tomorrow I will tackle this all again.

But until then, here’s some fun stuff that I’ve stumbled on today. I had to share…

Stephen Cannell talks about writers block
. It’s awesome. There’s a reason this man has been one of my industry icons since I was 14 and just starting to write the really bad, teenagery stuff. Most of my 1980s high school fanfic – and even most of my released fanfic – came from Cannell productions. The A-Team was a huge influence on me…

My most favorite LOLCat of the day…
funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Oh, and when you’re really brain fried, Grant Imahara from Mythbusters is even funnier on Twitter and Facebook. “A Neutron walks into a bar and orders a drink. ‘How much?’ he asks. The bartender says, ‘For you. No Charge.'” Thanks, Grant, I needed that.

So, goofy jokes aside. If you’re a writer, watch the Cannell video. It’s great. I’ll have to watch it again when I’m more clear-headed. Need to go pull some stuff for ArmadilloCon this weekend.

The “carrots” for getting the project done on time/early? 1) getting paid – big motivator, and 2) a ‘reward’ of an Office Max shopping trip where, in order to use my $10 off coupon, I have to spend $30 or more. 😎

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