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Achieving Escape Velocity

Posted by reudaly on July 27, 2009 in Life |

I’m actually looking forward to this Monday – even though there are very “Monday” things already happening… but my husband should start heading home today and that makes it a WONDROUS MONDAY…

Now, I always preface these things with “I don’t believe in Horoscopes”, but this is one that I think I actively want to work on today and tomorrow and the next day.

On the surface this is just another workday, but there is a possibility for something extraordinary to happen today. Your vision of a more perfect life can touch the real world now in a way that wakes you up from a deep sleep. New expectations must be established with care; if you set them too high, you’ll face discouragement down the road when you realize that you failed. But if you set them too low, you could miss an opportunity to reach escape velocity and catapult yourself toward your dreams.

To that end, I need to get back to screenplay work, the day job, and probably leave for work early since it’s raining again… yeah, there’s a plan. The goal for today – achieve escape velocity… or at least figure out what that is — and pray for the same for my friend who’s had the motherload of crap dumped on her. It would be a fitting belated birthday gift… 😎

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