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Technology Really Doesn’t Like Me.

Posted by reudaly on July 24, 2009 in Life |

It’s Friday. We have a light crew at work. I’m boogeying along — knowing there are gremlins in my work computer and next week we’ll reformat the blasted thing (so saving everything twice).

iPod Touch is playing music happily. I look down, there’s the “battery at 20%” warning. I tap it to dismiss it and go to plug it in. The tap doesn’t do anything. I plug it in. The warning goes away, but no tapping, no sliding, no nothing happen. I push buttons. I’ve got it on the opening screen now and somehow turned off the music, but I can’t unlock it. I can’t power it down, I can’t physically DO anything with it.

I plugged it into my computer and it synced up, but I still can’t slide, tap, turn off, the thing. My technically-minded husband is two time zones away, and busy enough he can’t answer his phone (yay, sort of). So now I turn to the great internet mind… Can you help me? This thing is less than three months old. What do I do?

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