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Aaron Allston Fundraiser and Auction

Posted by reudaly on July 14, 2009 in Writing |

If any of you are in the Austin on Sunday, July 19, 2009 please consider going to this.

FACT is doing a fundraising auction
to help defray some of Aaron’s excessive medical bills following a harrowing adventure resulting in quadruple bypass surgery DURING A BOOK TOUR. How fun is that? NOT. Click here for the gory details, if you want/dare.

Aaron is a good, good guy. He even helped me rename a story once. He, like way too many of us authors, doesn’t have health insurance. He is completely on his own.

Now, being a writer myself, I have little money, but I was asked if I wanted to donate something to the auction. So I talked to Julia, Linda, Dusty, and Selina – they gave me permission to donate a PRE-PUBLICATION MANUSCRIPT of The Four Redheads: Apocalpyse NOW! – the sequel to the ever popular The Four Redheads of the Apocalypse. This is our braided novel and won’t be out in publication until 2010.

Please, go to the auction. Bid, buy, support. If fandom can’t stick together, no one can.

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