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It’s The Monday after A Convention

Posted by reudaly on June 29, 2009 in Life |

Which means a very “sporadic” day. I will have these weird bouts of productivity – but it’ll be a “ADD” kind of day. I flit from one thing to the next.

The rash of celebrity deaths have been odd. There have now been EIGHT in the last month or so. 5 that have been boldly announced, 2 that are quieter because they’re lesser known, and one that should’ve ended with a bang, but whimpered… The pools are out on who #9 is going to be.

ApolloCon was oddly productive – I’ll have a report later. Much fun was had. Discovered I left something in our room – so I’ve left a message with the hotel’s lost and found. If it was turned in, hopefully they’ll send it back, because it’s not really worth a trip back to pick it up. But it has sentimental value to me.

But I’ve been inspired and the creativity is trying to bubble. I hope to harness it as I go forth for my second 4 day work week – but this one without making up the time. I love holiday weeks when I actually GET the holiday!!!! It rocks.

So here’s hoping the Monday stops being MONDAY.

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