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Home from SoonerCon and Website News

Posted by reudaly on June 8, 2009 in Conventions |

There will be a maintenance issues with the website tonight. There may be some disruption of service, but hopefully not. Hopefully none of you will even notice that stuff happened, but this is me doing technology “stuff” so… be prepared… 😎

ROCKED. I was surprised by the relative LACK of parties, but we’re good at making our own fun. I had a long talk with the hotel liaison, and know now that I will be taking MORE vitamins and allergy meds while dealing with Sooner. Long run – cheaper than the alternatives, and the hotel *is* trying…

The major selling points to SoonerCon is the fact that the people are generally awesome (there’s always the ONE… or two… or the random screaming child…), they do appreciate YardDog Press and let us be ourselves, and I do get my exercise. If you’ve never been, you should. Next year for 2010: A Bubba Odyssey. You won’t be disappointed – unless you’re like Todd, and I close the curtains on the bellydancers while doing my reading. 😎 When the ConCom’s Executive Committee is willing to take whipped cream pies in the face for charity, you know it’s gonna be good.

Anyway. Tons of fun. I got pulled in to be a Yumbie in Jeff Turner’s Bubba video, which will be on YouTube probably sometime this week or next. It wasn’t difficult, we shot at 9 a.m. on Saturday Morning… Proof?


Blew my “wad” in the dealer’s room on Friday. Bought a couple of books in the Charity Auction. Bought Linda Donahue & Julia Mandala’s Double Dog. Helped run stuff in the Charity Auction. I had five minutes of looking like a “Little Match Girl” at my signing when someone had stolen the Autographing Table. Hey, looking sad and pathetic sells ALMOST as many books as being a good Ho. 😎

THANK YOU to the ConCom for the generosity of the Green Room comp. Noddy’s generosity of providing the food, and yours for the room meant I only went back to my room or was off the convention “floor” to sleep, have ONE dinner “Out” (HAVE to hit Jin-Wen ONCE while I’m there), and to become “human” again after being a Yumbie (though one fan thought I’d had the crap beaten out of me the night before). That was a LIFE SAVER.

Now it’s Monday…

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