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Friday and SoonerCon

Posted by reudaly on June 5, 2009 in Conventions, Life, Writing |

I’m in my favorite Starbucks – the one, like Cheers where everybody knows my name. And apparently, there was a guy in here earlier who kept looking at me and spoke to me – pleasantries, but still – like he knew me. I do not know who it was, off hand. Thank goodness I have MAD SKILLZ when it comes to having a conversation without ever using someone’s name.

Seriously. If you’re someone I know from “back-in-the-day” or conventions, and you find me calling you something “pet name” like: Sweetie, Honey, Dude (except as an exclaimation), etc. 7 times out of 10, it’s because I don’t remember your NAME. We do this at Scarborough ALL THE TIME. I’m not cast, but I feel like my “participant” name is something along the lines of either “Crazy Redheaded Chick” or “Beautiful” — for the simple reason of “Don’t Know Your NAME”.

But that’s a totally random bit of nonsense. Wow, the coffee needs to kick in better.

So, it’s a HAPPY Friday. It’s National Donut Day – I may be “eval” and take an inexpensive box to work. It’s PAY DAY for me. Whee. It’s A HALF DAY so Jimmy & I can go to SoonerCon. What’s not to like about this Friday?

Especially when I pulled about 1/3 to 1/2 of my partially completed projects off my computer last night and decided to start working on some today, I found several hundred words to the first project in my notebook that hadn’t been input into the computer yet! YAY!!! Productivity without effort… what is not to love about that?

Last night, we watched several episodes of the original Land of the Lost, and it made me sadder to think of the new movie… especially after “talking” to Bob Eggleton about how good it COULD have been. I was sad when I discovered Sid & Marty Kroftt were involved with the Will Ferrell travesty. I’m sadder now that I hear it was the Kroftt’s IDEA to piss on my childhood memories (thank you Wil Wheaton for THAT phrasing). I remember, as a 6-year-old been scared to death of the Sleestaks. Now they’re a joke.

Though, for the record, NEVER revist your childhood TV memories as an adult. It was slightly painful to watch 1974 Land of the Lost because NOW I see past the “magic” to the reality. The bad blue screen. The Davy & Goliath claymation dinosaurs. The lines in the scene paintings. But they still had some good stories.

What I did LOVE about it? They did the “lessons” about pulleys and physics and metric conversions conversationally and without interrupting the story the way they do with Kids Material now. And the “lessons” on cooperation and tolerance, also more subtle. I’ve never been a “two-by-four” lesson writer, and now I know where I got it…

Leaving about 2 p.m. for SoonerCon. See you there!

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