Happy Friday!
So, here I am at my neighborhood Starbucks (N. Collins and Lamar – center of the craptasticist road construction EVAR – come see me). There was a LINE at 7 a.m. (was running late today). Then I saw this LOLDog…
Bwa hahahahahahaha. Makes up for the fact Savage Chickens in temporarily down for some reason. Boo. But it’s BACK! And today, is also brilliant… And to show that I’m completely addicted… have it too.
Anyway, I start a new job on Monday. I will be an internal blogger for a software company who owns a ton of other stuff. There may be some disruption of service here on the blog while I work out routines, but it’s an interesting schedule, so I may have posties and toasties first thing in the morning. We’ll have to see what happens.
Change is good right? Both kinds – the kind that broadens one’s horizons and the other that jingles in the pocket.