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ConDFW VIII – Sunday – The Last Part

Posted by reudaly on February 25, 2009 in Conventions |

Sunday started out early – so we skipped breakfast. You see, I have a “tradition” of being the Queen of the 10 a.m. Sunday Panel. This time I asked for it, when I talked to the ConCom about my reading (originally there wasn’t one). My choice was Friday at 6 p.m. or Sunday at 10 a.m. I took that one. Also because it was with Teresa Patterson. She and I have known each other for years.

Since she was reading from her work with the Robert Aspirin legacy book, I figured more people would be there to hear her. If I went first, people could run late and still hear her part, and I could do my funny. Warm up the crowd. And we did have a decent “crowd” for that time – 20 people got up at 10 a.m. to listen to us read. Of course, the Dark Star people were pimping the reading at the party.

I read two shorts – “Immense Dimensions of Your Monster”, because it’s so darned short and funny – and MOST of “Burnin’ Love”, because it was my “newer” piece. That took about 20 minutes. Which left Teresa 25 minutes – ending at 10:55, which worked out perfectly. I ended up sending that copy of ONE STEP BEYOND home with the Tom and Barbara Knowles because he really liked the story. We talked a bit about the company and life and stuff. I *so* wish them luck with that, but it looks like it’s going off with a good start.

We checked out after that and got the tail end of the breakfast buffet eating with people we knew: The Conrads, Joy Marie Ledet, Darlene Bolensky. It was an evolving meal. Then I did some time in the Dealer’s Room selling books until it was time for the Sunday panel.

I screwed up some of my Redheads attire, and I found more motivation for working out more, but the 2 p.m. Comedy in SF panel went very well. One girl in the audience sketched us old Hanna Barbara/cartoon/anime style. It ROCKED HARD.

While we were in “character” we did take pictures with Tom Knowles and David Weber between their panel and ours and the next panel.

After that it was changing back and starting towards home (which always takes an hour or more). The dealer’s room was already packing up because they all had to be out by 6 p.m. or face hotel wrath. I was “ribboned” with a banner off the YDP table that gave me a “Beauty Queen” look. It was a fun way to end the convention.

I’m looking forward to seeing what happens with ConDFW next year – though it’s moving up a week to Valentine’s Day Weekend. Which means, RadCon is out AGAIN next year. This is one of my two “home” conventions. It gets my rights of first refusal. Always. Besides their one announced GOH, is one of Jimmy’s favorite authors EVER.

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