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Crazy, Random Birthday Post

Posted by reudaly on February 11, 2009 in Life |

I have 6 days before a “Milestone” Birthday – oh screw it, I admit it, I’m turning 40 in 6 days. There used to be a countdown on the news – but the government bumped Digital Broadcast Day to Mid-June. Whatever.

BUT… what’s been interesting is a weird pattern/statistic thing I just came up with on my Facebook Friendslist.

I have 290 friends on Facebook. I have the birthday calendar thing that shows me when birthdays come up. I looked today. 26 of my 290 Facebook Friends have birthdays in February. #27 I saw today, but doesn’t have her birthday “listed”. There are probably more that aren’t listed either.

But that’s darned close to 10% of my Friendslist having birthdays in February.

Of those 27 – at least 21 of them are between 38-49 years old.

Of those 27 – at least 24 of them have some kind of “Creative” or “Artistic” leaning – writer, musician/singer, artist/photographer, actor.

How weird and cool is that? I LOVE IT. There are others out there that I do know about – but the Facebook thing had actual NUMBERS for me to work with. And I had to share.

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