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Things that make me say, “Hmmmm…”

Posted by reudaly on December 11, 2008 in Books, Writing |

I saw this PC Magazine Link today, and had to read it. I’m not sure I completely agree with it, but it’s thought provoking.

According to this guy, in his title – Print is Dead. Long live Print.

Apparently PC Magazine has or is discontinuing their print magazine and going completely online with an agreement with a POD publisher for an archival subscription. You can buy the articles you want and have them printed. Or subscribers WILL have that option. I don’t know if it’s gone into effect yet.

This guy seems to think that’s what the future holds. POD. He talks about some of the self-pub stuff and LULU and stuff. But unless the prices come down — he’s excited that you can get a book for $12.99.

For tradepaper, that’s an okay price. But come on, I have the feeling unless POD can get the costs down to closer to $5 for a decent product, there’s still going to be a market for mass market paperbacks. I have nothing against tradepaper books – most of the anthologies I’m in are tradepaper. They’re nice, but they’re not as convenient as mass market, they’re more expensive, and they’re BIGGER. If I’m given a choice between $15.00 for tradepaper or $7 for mass market, which am I going to choose?

I haven’t done all the research yet, but I’m still not quite seeing how POD is cost effective in the long run. I do understand not having returns of books that haven’t sold, less paper waste, and all — there are benefits to POD, but will the higher cost of printing books as asked really make the economic sense?

I do agree with the guy that publishing needs to change it’s thinking on business practices, but I’m not sure I agree with the Publish On Demand aspect of it. I mean will when the next big celebrity book comes out — will people stand in line at a copier to get their book instead of going to the store and picking it up? How would POD affect displays drawing people to the covers?

Thoughts? Feelings? Lengthy economic explanation?

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