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Posted by reudaly on November 18, 2008 in Life |

I would say, “beware the rant”, but I think I’m going to save that for an actual article/essay to sell to someone like Associated Content.

I’m having “adventures in job hunting”. It’s not bad enough I’m a freelancer in a really bad economy. It’s not bad enough that I have to wade through the Indonesian Sweatshop Pay Rate (if I’m lucky) “offers” (write my content for $2/piece). NOW, I have to interpret which are REAL job opportunities and which are thinly veiled MLMs, spammer jobs, or just outright scams. Oh, or the “I’ll pay you to do my homework for me” gigs. I really, really love those.

Yesterday, I blasted a kid for that. But it was really blatant. As in there’s a $50 bonus if I get an “A” blatant.

Today was the pyramid scheme. We pay you for every 5 people you sign up. I always love things that start out: This is a legitimate job. It’s absolutely FREE to you. No money to sign up. This one though has a $10/month maintenance fee.

Yeah, no.

So, this is an article. I won’t waste all the good ranting here. But know that I flagged that ad at least twice. And this was AFTER I did a search on the phone number for the conference call. I had an idea of what was going to happen — oh, and on top of it all? It wasn’t a 1-800. It was a toll call to Minnesota. Good thing was only on for a few minutes before I hung up, and I never use all my cell phone minutes anyway. Geez.


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