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Taking a Brief Break for a Warning…

Posted by reudaly on November 13, 2008 in Books |

If you’re a writer – especially of novels – be aware of this site Redneckghettotech.

This thief has put up entire libraries of novels by SF authors for free download. He’s done it WITHOUT PERMISSION, without payment to the writers, and has some seriously violated all kinds of copyright law.

SFWA and other interested parties are in the process of getting him pulled down permanently (and probably suing this joker’s butt off – and it’s going easy on him).

This is the one time I’m GLAD to be “semi-pro”. Nothing of mine has been ripped off, but LOTS and LOTS have by very good and talented authors. This is worthy of Old Testament Justice.

It’s not bad enough that writers aren’t paid much to begin with, or respected for the WORK that goes into writing and producing a work, but to then have it STOLEN. And I can almost guarantee that the jerk behind this (and believe me I’d rather be using “adult” language here) never thought he did anything wrong, because they’re just BOOKS. It’s not like they’re IMPORTANT.



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