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Posted by reudaly on October 7, 2008 in Conventions, Life |

This should just go to show that even writers make phenomenally bad mistakes… hence the title of my last post… Geez…

FenCon was a blast. It was insanely exhausting. And now we get to start planning 2009.

Our guests were amazing. Hugs to them all. They all went above and beyond. The auctions went well — the Shoe Pavillion shopping trip prior? Yeah, that all worked out. The skull tennis shoes were a hit (and actually comfortable — though I need a heel cup in them). The slinky dress — I have to fix the broochy thing that makes it SUPER plungy to make it NOT so super plungy, and was a touch tight in the hips, but it fit. And with “THE SHOES”, we sold some art and raised a nice chunk ‘o change for Reading and Radio Resource.

Though I do have to admit this year was bittersweet. I did find TWO places to get good and decent coffee within a mile of the hotel — Saxby’s (can’t beat a chain with a logo that says, “Life’s Too Short for Mediocre Coffee”) and Addison Coffee Roasters (for bulk).

One of the guys who works at Addison Coffee Roasters is someone we know from Scarborough Faire and had the sad duty of informing me that another acquaintance of ours — who actually has bought some of my books — passed away unexpectedly on Wednesday of a heart attack. It was quite a sad shock. We had several friends in and out of FenCon whom we know from Scarborough this weekend, so the grief was shared.

RIP Liam Archer. You will be sorely missed.

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1 Comment

  • Mary Crowell says:

    Thanks for the introduction to coffee at Saxby’s! It was great meeting you, Rhonda, and you took excellent care of your FENCON guests.

    I look forward to reading your work!

    Mary Crowell

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