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What the Heck???

Posted by reudaly on September 30, 2008 in Life |

Yes, this is a new one…

Yesterday I was amused to get an email about a job from a guy with the same name as my conchair. This is DEFINITELY NOT my conchair… I shoulda known…

First there’s this paragraph…

As a way to thank you for taking the time to apply for this position and to verify you live in the US, we are going to give away some free tech toys to a few lucky applicants.  Just go here: and select the free tech toy you want and you might just win it!  If you do get a position with our company, we will be giving away a free tech toy each month to one of our lucky employees as a way to thank them for all their hard work.

Which is one of those “win a laptop” sites where you have to go through 20 minutes of “Try these offers”, and to qualify for the tech toy, you have to complete two of the sponsoring offers.

Um, no.

I went through the hoops — to the point of NOT doing the completed offers which invariably require credit card information. Then I sent the guy an email back saying I’m more than happy to review products – I’m just not giving out financial information to do so.

And you know what? This is the THIRD ONE. I’ve talked to TWO OTHER review job postings for website reviewers that say “Go play around the website, we want reviews on X, Y, Z’ and I kid you not – one was an ONLINE POKER SITE. So yeah, verify that you’re 18, sign up with a credit card.

Um… NO.

I’m happy to review anything you like — FOR FREE. Set up a corporate account with the members-only sites and let me know the logins. Send me the products. Whatever. I’m neither a patsy nor an intern. I don’t PAY to WORK.

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