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Passing Along a WIP Funny…

Posted by reudaly on August 15, 2008 in Writing |

A while back, I asked if anyone would be interested in seeing portions of my WIP – the novel rewrite – as I did it. Well, beware what you ask for.

This novel is also my experiment in using the Fly Fusion Pentop Computer with ink-to-text conversion for any length of time. I knew it wasn’t going to take a full step out of my process, but I didn’t anticipate the hilarity that would ensue in seeing what the Fly Fusion pen thought I was trying to write.

I shall share Page 1 of Chapter 2 — in it’s Fly Fusion Glory… be warned, may not be keyboard safe, or eye friendly. But it is funny…

Chapter Two
“shaven! Judean!”
The Crowd pressed in from all sides. She heard theda frantic, desperate Voice, but she couldn’t tell where it came from.
She stretched and pushed, trying to crawl over the swarms of deck crew converging on worship. in Random breaks, she saw flashes
Of sandy blond hair and glimpses of a familiar face.
“Joe? Joe!”
Henao there, Breaking through the crowd and Catching her in a banecdushing embrace lifting her off her feet. ”Are you okay? What happened?”
“Except for being choked to death’ Is” have little she laughed at his stricken, freaked outlook. ‘she thumped him lightly on the shoulder. ”Joe put me down, please. I can’t breathe.”
“Juaren Wright! What in the Seven Universes are you twirling bringing that ship back here in that condition?” “Change of plans, Joe., “Shawn said. ”Quick! get me out of here! Mush! shoo!” Joe grinned at her, blue eyes twinkling. “Normally Iyour wish would be my command. But she scares me more than you do.”
shaven landed on the deck, her ankles tingling with the minor shock of hitting

the deck plates. she smirked at Joe Delaura, as she finally got a good look at him. she’d never thought she’d ever have an interest in someone who could’ re made his living window movies. He was tall, she only came up to just above his shoulder, and heaven was above average height for a woman. His blond,. hair and blue eyes framed a strong, crushed face. she poked her index finger on his perfect, patrician nose, ”you’re a coward.” “when it comes to her, oh, you betance pop your sweet bound. Anyone with an cola of sense would be afraid of
of 0 here”, was Xeiachassak, and she
igoe He’s ‘bare down on them, sparks of anger flashing in her eyes, she was an HVNI imposing woman, nearly two meters tall and muscular-Her skin shown
in the glaring overhead lights in
a high ebony gloss. the blood Red of the dock works jumpsuits fissfit her as if tailored to her lush curves and heightened her sense of menace, That, and the path which melted away-in front of her without her Wavering from her course ortolano her eyes off shearer.
”I Want it said I died bravely,” Sharon said to Kurt as she stood, mesmerized by Xaa’s glare.

i.”Utryto remember that as I Watch from over there.” Kurt pointed to a spot across the deck, and escorted to move away. shaven’s hand shot out and grabbed his arm, auctioning him in his spot. “Oh, no you don’t. efsnyou should kea gentleman and stay here with me.” ”oakey should I?”
“Because I can make it Worth your while, as your life very miserable.’ Kurt conceded the point. Besides Xeia stopped the lathim armes lengths ”ltiya, Xeia.”
”bout start with me, pretty boy. ‘i ”arm, dinn a legionnaire Commander” ”Xesa gave hima baleful smirk. ”Don’t start with me, Commander Pretty Boy, sir.”
It Better. ”
Xaa turned her rallentiowtojuaren, ”My problem is with you and what you’ve done With my ship. ”
“your ship?”
“taunt see god putting it back together. What do you see’ ‘i
awaken glanced back at the burnt, broken ship. ”I see a narrow escape and a mission accomplished. Because of your quality worth I managed to get home Relatively iv. one piece. •
Xeia paused in druid-rant rand growled.

i. Don’t start flattening me. Don’t pull your smooth-talking hooey on me. ln✓ Still angry. \
Sharon gestured-back at her ship and the crowd around it. “Take it out on them. I need to Report in. Its important.” “it better be more than that. ”it better be life-mattering.”
Juwan met Xeiab bottomless black eyes levelly. rand didn’t blink. “what does my ship tell you?”
Xeia looked beyond Juaiendo the ship. “We’ll see. For now, okay-Truce.”
Shawn waited abeat after Xeia took
the step beyond her then blew out a breath, more relieved than she should be. Suddenly she Was aware of movement around her and doe slipped heroisms around her. ”That Was amazing. E-didn’t know anyone
Could do that.”
“Me either.” she grinned up at him. “e really do have to report in. I need to check
v. with Ilya before I talk to be. Can you let rice let him know dv✓ on my way?” “I am not an errand boy.”
Juaren smiled more broadly. “hl’know
it’s Commander Errand Boy, Sri ‘No, seriously, Congratulations on the promotion. You earned it.”
“Thanks-That really does mean alcot.” “We should have denner later to

Kurt gaucher a blindly white smile. “I thought You’d never ask. “lileqdoslaek to lee. seeyaeincnciwabit.”
”I’ll be there as soon as loami’ she Watched him Walk away, an appreciative sigh escaping as she watched kurtis exquisitely shaped and draped backside sashay away. “Matha fine looking man.” “Yoe Mats probably whyhebontue recruitment poster.”
shaven grinned atxua, who appeared onto ghost-wheat hekelbow. ”You know it. Wait? What?”
“she grinned. “you’ll see.”
“Inn afraid, xeia. ”

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