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Answers to Questions and Invention Needed

Posted by reudaly on August 11, 2008 in Life, Writing |

I finally had the paper compatibility question answered. And the answer is “no”. You cannot use the paper from one digital pen with another.

The person who invents and markets a “universal” digital dot paper (one that would be multiple sizes and “formats” – lined, unlined, grid) and will work with both Fly Fusion and Livescribe (and or any other digital pentop computer system) will make a bucket load of money.

Right now I have to deal with Fly Fusion and their 70 page, single subject notebooks and bulky size until several things happen:

1) Livescribe gets their 3rd party OCR handwriting-to-text application available (I am one of the far CALMER people who were “unhappy” that Livescribe didn’t come out of the box with that feature). Many of us read/assumed it would.

2) Someone invents my paper idea.

3) Fly Fusion develops a less unweildy pen. I feel like I’m using a giant crayon or an occupational therapy tool when I use the Fly Fusion.

You know it hasn’t hurt Bic or Papermate’s business to have Mead or Cambridge make compatible notebooks to their writing instruments… just sayin’.

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