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Writing Updates

Posted by reudaly on August 5, 2008 in Writing |

I had a thought about starting a series of entries each starting with a consecutive letter of the alphabet, but that’s just way too much trouble… Today, instead of a reading update, I’m doing a writing update.

I’ve been doing a lot of reading — not just fiction, but non-fiction as well. Writing books. I’m trying to get everything back on track. I know, part of it is just procrastination. But it’s also skill building and reinforcement.

Now… I have finished the edits on “The Novel that Would Not Die”. Sunday night it went to its very first publisher. So something that should’ve happened 2 years ago is finally done. D’OH, so, you see, working on being faster and more productive is probably a good thing. Don’t get excited, just because it’s submitted doesn’t mean anything, it just means I have time to get the dreaded query letter done.

What else it means, is that I get to start looking at new projects of the dozens that I have started but not finished. I’m reading one book that may have some good techniques for dealing with a lot of those little plot bunnies that come along when you’re supposed to be working on one specific project.

I have actually started and completed a brand new short story for a contest — it was a 350 word flash fiction piece. We’ll find out in the next week or so if I placed with that competition. Stay tuned for the results. We’ll see what happens with that.

New word counts, new projects. It’s a good thing.

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