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What I’m Reading #4 – Wittig-Albert

Posted by reudaly on July 14, 2008 in What I'm Reading |

Nightshade by Susan Wittig-Albert [asa]0425219569[/asa]

I met her briefly at a luncheon and was intrigued by her series “starring” China Bayles. I’ve not read the rest of the series, but she predominantly writes 1st person, China POV. This book she needed to do something different, and tell part of the story from the guy’s POV. She didn’t want to do another 1st person – which I applaud, that’s difficult. But she chose 3rd Person Present Tense to tell his story.

It’s intriguing in theory since I’ve only ever really seen 3rd Person Present done in script treatments. And to my thinking, need to really stay there.

The STORY is good, the characters are good, but that switch over to 3rd Person Present was so JARRING and such a challenge to read, that it took the whole book to get into the rhythm, and even then, I found myself hoping it would be a short scene and we could get back to China’s POV.

I’m sorry, I really didn’t feel the “He is thinking it’s time for something to eat” in prose well.

And here, you thought I loved everything I read…

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