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Battlestar Galactica Pens and Writing

Posted by reudaly on April 9, 2008 in Life, Writing |

I’m coming to the end of a couple of major writing projects (one to go into the submission process) and the last stages of the Redheads of the Apocalypse sequel.

For the record — integrating four very different authors and their voices/characters/etc into one cohesive narrative? Tough work. Worth it, but tough work.

So.what does this have to do with Battlestar Galactica, you may ask? Nothing and everything. Over the last week or so my wonderful husband and I have been watching 3rd season Battlestar, and the one thing I’ve noticed is that they use really COOL honest-to-goodness ink pens to sign stuff. And in one case, try to kill someone… he missed.

Here’s the correlation… I want one. It’s no secret that I love and adore cool and unusual writing instruments. Pens, pencils, etc. All kinds. Fountain pens, roller balls, ball points, etc. I love them. I love starting a new project with a new writing instrument and a new notebook (though I’m not all that enamored with the octagonal paper in Battlestar).

Of course, I had to go online. Those pens? Not available ANYWHERE!!!! Dadgum it! Come on! Marketing? Merchandising? HELLO?????? Replicas?????? What kind of Capitalistic society are we in when no one markets the “official” or “unofficial” Battlestar Galactica Pen?


Who’s not jumping on that merchandising bandwagon?

Fortunately, I know many people up to a good challenge. I could turn this into a contest… Let me think about that… I could do that.

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