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An Odd Contest

Posted by reudaly on February 25, 2008 in Books, Writing |

It’s been a relatively slow start to the Monday–though I have a lot to do. I’ll be posting the Convention Reports here. Writerly updates, etc. I’m still playing with options and stuff. The graphic look will change over the next few weeks, until it settles down into something easy to remember…

Now to the contest!!!

Suggest the Tagline…

I’m still learning good slug lines, taglines, and tags. “Sites Unseen” was my site title for way too long. Now I’m going to come up with something new. And since I currently have much on my plate… I’m giving you the opportunity to help.

Suggest a slug line, pitch line, or tag line, and I’ll send you one of the anthologies I’m in that you might not have… Aegris Somnia, International House of Bubbas, or More Stories That Won’t Make Your Parents Hurl, OR Chicken Soup for the Coffee Lovers Soul.

Or I can make some deal with you for some other written goodie… 😎

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