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[Spotlight Post] Remembering Eugie Foster and Lonnie Mitchell

Posted by reudaly on October 3, 2014 in Life, Spotlight with Comments closed |

What ended up being a fantastic FenCon ended with… not as much greatness. During tear down and the Dead Dog, I started catching up news feeds, then as Rand Bellavia of Ookla theMok put it… “I see sadness.” The sadness has continued into this week. I’m really tired of doing Memorial Spotlight posts.

I’d started seeing that someone had died over the weekend. Someone involved in the SF/F and Convention Communities had died… it wasn’t until later I found out it was Eugie Foster. I only met Eugie once in person, but we’d been acquainted online through first LiveJournal and then through the transition to Facebook. I want to say it was 2005 when I made the trek through the Habit Trails of Dragon*Con to the offices of the Dragon*Con Daily to finally meet her in person. It was a brief encounter – and then again in the Dealer’s Room, but she’d always made an impression.

I was thrilled to see her success. We wrote in the same genre but in very different styles. She was also upbeat and encouraging – even when her “wingstumps” bothered her. And when she was diagnosed with cancer, we all hurt for her. This decline was a shock. Where Jay Lake’s battle was a marathon, this seemed more a sprint. I’ve never bonded with a FenCon GOH through tears, but I was happy to hug Carrie Vaughn and toast Eugie’s Spirit Sunday night.

Then on Wednesday I saw the news of another Sweet Spirit who’s gone too soon. Lonnie Mitchell had a motorcycle accident on 183 on Tuesday and didn’t recover from his injuries. Lonnie was a long-time customer, Friend of Faire, and simply FRIEND from Scarborough. We looked forward to seeing him and his wife, Natalie, every year we were out there. They collected Allen Williams’ Cute Dragons. They bought stuff from Ruth Thompson. They hung out with us in the booth and carried the “animatronic” Dragon puppets on their shoulder. Lonnie was part of the Scottish Guard and marched in parades. Faire will not be the same without him – he was one of those people we all looked forward to seeing every day.

These are two people I will miss seeing in person and in grandeur. These are holes in my sphere of community and tribe that are and will be palpable for a long time to come. I know there are those who know both Eugie and Lonnie better and more closely than I did – and I grieve for the pain and loss they’re dealing with – but please take comfort in knowing those of us in the “Outer Orbits” grieve with you and are mentally hugging you now until we can hug you in person later.

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[Writer Post] Book News and FenCon

Posted by reudaly on October 1, 2014 in Books, Conventions, Writing |

Hello, Blog, I told you I’d be back. Did you miss me? FenCon was a whirlwind, exhausting BLAST. I had really great guests of honor to work with – which is good because I was breaking in a staff (and didn’t break THEM). Now to train one of them over the next year to take over my job so I can take a bit of a step back from RUNNING Guest Relations… WHY?

Steve Jackson and Geri Sullivan with ROCK 'EM SOCK 'EM ROBOT puppets.

Steve Jackson and Geri Sullivan with ROCK ‘EM SOCK ‘EM ROBOT puppets.

WHY? Because I HAVE A BOOK COMING OUT IN 2015!. Yard Dog Press is putting out my Space Opera with Thriller Elements (currently titled Tarbox Station sometime in 2015. The edits are still in process. I was told Friday at FenCon, while Selina was setting up the Yard Dog table that the edits were half-done, and likely what they’ll be. I’m not surprised, this is a book I wrote a while back and haven’t looked at in a while. I’m a bit embarrassed by them, but hopefully I’ll see this as a growth experience. CAN’T WAIT! But, since I never QUITE heard the words, “I’m buying your book.” I took the editing as a “Positive Sign” and was hopeful.
A Redhead with Rand and Adam of Ookla the Mok

A Redhead with Rand and Adam of Ookla the Mok

Hence the shock and surprise a big chunk of my friends got to see (but not my husband – he was at the parties) at the end of the OH, SO hysterical and inappropriate Jerry-Springer-esque Road Show (if you missed it… DUDE, did you miss it) when I introduced myself, Selina added “And she has a novel coming out next year.” And after a wee bit of confirmation with Lynn, I can talk about it… and talk about it… SQUEE joyfully into 2015 with a few tears over working out the edits because “WHY DID I DO THAT????” But I know the book will be SO MUCH BETTER after the edits.
Me with Science GOH J. Storrs Hall

Me with Science GOH J. Storrs Hall

I was also asked if I wanted to write a couple of short stories (no promises on publication, just hey, here’s this anthology… type of things) which sound fun. And lots of hilarity with our new ROTA Variety show – and full houses for both panels (with new faces – YAY!!!!). 2015 is ramping up to be a busy year for me – which hopefully means more topics for this round of blogs.
The Role 2 Play Crew. They are AWESOME and have a great boss.

The Role 2 Play Crew. They are AWESOME and have a great boss.

BUT…but… but BOOK. 2015. Me. Mine. All mine. SQUEE! And thank you FenCon for an awesome time. Loved telling celebrity stories with Mark Finn, Bill Ledbetter, Tiffany Franzoni (she ROCKS!) and Mark Oshida. TOO MUCH FUN, even with sad news at the end. (the pic is not the sad news…)
Timothy Zahn signing books for JA Campbell

Timothy Zahn signing books for JA Campbell

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[Writer Post] FenCon XI Approaches!

Posted by reudaly on September 24, 2014 in Conventions, Life, Writing |

One more major disclaimer – there’s not going to be blog posts on Friday or Monday because of the Crazy Chaos (in a good way) that is FenCon. I will be doing my whirlwind tour of the Dallas Pen Show on Friday morning,

Redheads is coming along. I’m working on making notes on one section right now – because I have serious Squirrel Brain. My focus and concentration is shot this week trying to get everything done. I’m trying multi-tasking just to feel productive, but seriously? Right. No.

Proof in point – I think I was going to say more, but my train of thought has left the station without me. So, chalk it up to convention brain. We’ll see you at FenCon – or after.

So here, have a Schedule of where I’ll be…

Yard Dog Press Road Show
Friday 10:00 PM Pin Oak

FenCon Squares
Saturday 10:00 AM Trinity I – IV

Saturday 11:30 AM Gallery

The Four Redheads of the Apocalypse
Saturday 3:00 PM Live Oak

OMG You Worked With… !
Sunday 2:00 PM Addison Lecture Hall

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[Pen/Pencil Review] The Zebra Z-Grip Multi-Pack Ballpoint 1.0 mm

Posted by reudaly on September 22, 2014 in Review, writing instruments |

Quick note – there won’t be a pen blog next week. This is FenCon week – and next Monday I’ll be incoherent. Just wanted to let you know that up front. And now… Zebra is a great company for a wide range of writing instruments. I like most of them, and try things from them I don’t usually care for – because even though they’re not to my taste, they may be to yours. This week is the Z-Grip Multi-Pack of ball point pens in 1.0 mm.

These are your basic retractable ball point pens. This package came in seven “fashion” colors, which is also to taste. There’s always an issue with the lighter colors like the apple green and orange to get them dark enough to be usable. This batch is good with the orange, but the light/apple green is still light even with the 1.0mm point. For a “medium point”, it’s not a bad point. I still write bigger with the larger point, so I think I go through more paper than with a finer point but the Z-Grips do try to give the feel of a finer point. The inks are smooth with minimal smearing and ink globs on glossier paper. So that’s a good thing.

The pen barrels are a fairly standard 5.5″ length. The diameter is fine – not too narrow. There is a nod to a “comfort” grip, but the rubber grip has horizontal ridges that can dig in, depending on how you hold the pen. The barrels match the ink color and the upper barrel is translucent so you can see how much ink you have left. The clip is metal inserted into plastic, so it won’t break easily.

These are good, economical pens if you’re looking for some color on your desk, or some creativity when taking notes and doing homework. I got mine at Office Depot, but they’re available almost anywhere. These run $5-$6 a pack depending on where you get them – though they do sometimes go on sale.

The Numbers.

1. How does it work?1 – This is a solid, utility pen. It’s inexpensive. It comes in eight colors – though this one was only seven. The ink is rich and solid and dries quickly.
2. Look and feel0.5 – Though the length is pretty standard. I do like a longer pen. This has some ridges on the grip that might make it uncomfortable to some. And frankly, I’m still looking for a finer point.
3. Material1 – It’s an inexpensive utility pen. It is what it is, and it’s solid for what it is. The clip is metal in plastic, so should stay solid for you.
4. Overall Design0.5 – It’s okay. It’s functional. You can see the ink through the barrel to know how much you have. It’s not bad for a 1.0mm.
5. Price Point1 – These things are inexpensive. They run less than $1 a piece. Online, I’m seeing between $4.99 and $5.49 for the 7-pack of colors. If they get lost or stolen, you’re not out a huge investment.

4 out of 5 bronze pencils.
Pencil 4.0

[Spotlight Post] “Bail Money” The Bilge Pumps – Crossover Post

Posted by reudaly on September 19, 2014 in Review, Spotlight with Comments closed |

A rare – very rare – Same Day Cross Over with Celtic Music Magazine.
In honor of International Talk Like a Pirate Day, we bring you The Bilge Pumps, a piratical band from the Dallas/Fort Worth area. This group has been releasing music since 2000 and likely performing for much longer than that. Their newest project is Bail Money.
Bail Money is a live album recorded over two years at various shows. The 37 tracks include intros to give you a feel for what a Bilge Pumps show is really like. There’s a lot of humor added to this album as well as music. Most of it is family friendly, a couple of places might be better suited for … older audiences. There’s definitely a lot of irreverence here, but well-blended voices.
The songs are collection of classic Celtic and Renaissance Festival favorites – such as “The Night Pat Murphy Died” and “The Derelict”- with a nod to some modern music with a piratical twist. I have to admit I have a soft spot for “The Banana Boat” song which The Bilge Pumps have made their own, and I found it amusing. This is the second “ren faire” band I’m run across that’s also adapted the Eagles “Seven Bridges Road” – but for bands like this who do a lot of a cappella work – The Bilge Pumps do have drum and guitar, but are mostly vocal – it’s a good song to adapt. Several tracks are collaborations with Traveller Song, which gives more layers to some of the tracks.
This album also has new songs for them, “Ghosts of Heros” which is hauntingly lovely, and “The Mermaid” is a great tune. The last track is the only studio track, and it’s a fun parody track called, “Once in a Mermaid’s Lifetime”. So if you want to completely partake in Talk Like a Pirate Day, this would be a fun way to do it.

Artist: The Bilge Pumps Band Website
On Twitter
On Facebook

Buy Album: Release Date is scheduled for September 19, 2014. Check the website – or on Amazon
It will be available on iTunes today.

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[Writing Post] Which is More Pro – Small Press or Self-Pub

Posted by reudaly on September 17, 2014 in Books, Writing |

Welcome to Wednesday – and the week (ish) before FenCon, which means an excessive amount of headless chicken running and maniacal laughter. But it’s coming together so that’s something – but not the point of today’s blog. And fair warning – there’s a couple of “adult” words in here. And shameless plugs for my work…
Yesterday (Tuesday the 16th) Cat Rambo put up an article on her blog entitled: Why SFWA Should (IMO) Admit Self-Published Writers, and Some Thoughts about the Process. And it’s an interesting and forward-thinking concept on accepting changes in publication. Steve Miller linked to the article on Facebook, as well, which has started your basic firestorm of discussion.
For the record, I do not have a problem with creating criteria for self-publishing for “professional” status. A lot of people are jumping on the bandwagon, it’s going to have to happen. What I’ve taken exception to – and have gotten a bit of support is the fact that Small Press is still getting short shrift. Though Cat mentions, once I bring up the point in comments, that Small Press criteria is also being considered – why is it still a FREAKIN’ FOOTNOTE?
I love the Small Presses I work with. Yard Dog Press has been around longer than a lot of “professional” imprints (both traditional and digital), but because it pays in more of an e-book business plan (long before e-pub was a glimmer in anyone’s eyes) of no advance but higher royalties, it’s still somehow considered a Bastard Stepchild. Nor is Yard Dog alone – there are several Small Presses (and bigger ones) that fall into this category that have been around a long, long time.
Cover flattened_small
Why, suddenly, is Self-Pub getting the love and respect of “professional” consideration when presses who fall just under the “accepted” threshold” still considered Second Best? I’ve carved out quite a nice career in Small Press. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE working with Yard Dog – Selina is a KICK ASS editor who only works with people who are willing to WORK. They pay royalties ON TIME. EVERYTIME. It might not be much – or it might be, depending on the hustle of the author (which is true in the Big Houses, too now) – but it’s consistent and transparent.
Why is it becoming more acceptable? Is it because of the rise of e-books and the changing face of publishing? Partly. Even Traditional publishing has to account for e-pub. Or is it because some Older Authors who’ve (in some cases) originally looked askance on anything other than Big House/Big Three Publishing are now finding out that they can make money on back lists and companion pieces by doing it themselves has taken the stigma away from “self publishing” – so therefore it MUST BE okay now?
I don’t know – but I do know that I would rather see the hard work that Small Presses do for their authors get recognized by professional organizations on an equal level. And yes, all the covers represented here are Yard Dog titles – and clickable to take you to the page (and aren’t ALL the titles I’m involved with there). I have a couple of self-pub collections, so I am on both sides of this debate. So debate this if you will but keep it civil.

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[Pen/Pencil Review] Franklin-Christoph Sugar Cane Paper Notebook A6

Posted by reudaly on September 15, 2014 in Review, Writing, writing instruments with Comments closed |

I’m going with something a little different today – a notebook I picked up after seeing it mentioned in Pen World Magazine. Paper made from sugar cane pulp instead of wood. There were a couple of different vendors mentioned, but the one I picked up was from Franklin-Christoph. Their notebooks come in three sizes and in a couple of different styles.
The notebooks come in “A” sizes – A6 (Small), A5 (Medium), and A4 (Large). The bindings are either top or side in stitched leather or slick cardboard. The “higher” end designs come embossed with the logo. The pages range from ruled, graph, dotted, or blank – stitched bindings are color coded to the type of rule. The lines are 5mm apart for a very narrow college rule with solid top and bottom margin lines.
The paper itself is derived from sugar cane. Franklin-Christoph has designed this to be resistant to feathering and bleed through while being smooth and ink absorbent. It’s a 90gm paper weight giving the pages the same substance as most high-quality journals and notebooks – like Rhodia and Leuchtturm1917 – but with an ecological edge. The sugar cane paper is formulated to be acid free and pH neutral. I find them to be a smooth writing experience. Even the pencil I used with a standard HB lead comes off darker and richer. There’s still some smearing if you touch liquid inks like fountain pen in when writing, but you can’t stop that.

The back - to show bleed through (and the basic lack thereof)

The back – to show bleed through (and the basic lack thereof)

These are not inexpensive notebooks – these run $7.00 – $19.50 (depending on binding). The beveled edges and embossing of even the paper backed notebooks shows a dedication to quality. However, for the budget minded (like me) they do have a “Stock Room” option (which is where I got mine). If you don’t mind a previous model, a scratch, dent, or slight imperfection – you can purchase these notebooks at a discount. However you’re limited to availability. The one I’m using now is the A6, and I believe I have an A4 at home – which may be my next notebook when I’m ready to switch out.
The cover is really reflective. Hard to get a really good picture of it.

The cover is really reflective. Hard to get a really good picture of it.

I really do like the idea of paper from other sources. I’ve been seeing some other options besides typical wood pulp and want to investigate these more. But so far, the sugar cane makes nice paper. If you’re looking for other options, check this out.
The numbers:

1. How does it work?1 – It works just fine. The pages are smooth, thick and does actually prevent ink feathering.
2. Grip and feel1 – So, there’ s not really a GRIP, but even with the cardstock covers, the back is sturdy enough to give support. The binding holds the pages well.
3. Material1 – I was hesitant. After all SUGAR CANE? But the sugar cane paper acts, feels, and performs just as well as high-end wood journal paper, but with an easier sustainability.
4. Overall Design1 – Though I might like a bit wider line in the ruled, that’s not enough to knock it. The “European” sizing might through some folk off, but I think that’s just a more a preference thing, and makes it a bit more “sophisticated” and/or universal.
5. Price Point0.5 – The notebooks are expensive if you go full retail, and they’re really only available through the Franklin-Christoph site. But they’re not outrageously expensive – considering the quality of the product – and they do have the Stock Room Option (which I’ll be making more use of). It might be worth the investment for the high quality and sustainable paper.

That’s 4.5 of 5 bronze pencils.
Pencil 4.5

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[Spotlight Post] Remembering Richard Kiel

Posted by reudaly on September 12, 2014 in Life, Spotlight with Comments closed |

This has been a season of memorial posts. I know things come in waves, but still. This week, the Science Fiction/Fantasy world lost Graham Joyce. I don’t recall having met him, but many on my social media networks knew him, respected him, and liked him. According to the posts, Joyce lost his battle with cancer. This news and this loss hit a lot of my friends, fellow professionals, and readers hard. I am so sorry for you – and this loss.
Richard Kiel and Me
Wednesday, I heard about the loss of actor, Richard Kiel, and though I only encountered him one time. His loss saddened me. Tomorrow would’ve been his 75th birthday. I told a little of the story on Facebook Wednesday night. I’m going to do a longer version here. Back in 2008 Ben Daw and his Lazy Dragon Crew put on a convention up in either Plano or McKinney. They brought in Richard Kiel, James Hampton, and some lovely sounding British Guys I can’t remember now. This was one of those weird conventions where everything seemed to be done right but the people just didn’t come.

Anyway, Jimmy and I decided to have a good dinner that first night – Friday or Saturday, it’s been a while – and the only good place within walking distance was a Japanese Hibachi Grill. So we trekked over there. The Kiel/Hampton party had just been seated. We did say hello – since we were part of the same convention, but intended to go our own way, not wanting to intrude on what was obviously a couple of good friends. They invited us to fill out their grill anyway, so we did.
James Hampton and Me
Not only was the dinner a show – Hibachi Grills are AWESOME! – but so was listening to Kiel and Hampton talk about shows they’ve worked on, Hollywood, things they were planning on doing. I did mention that Jaws was my favorite Bond Henchman of all time. You see, I often talk about how Dad and I would watch Star Trek and how that influenced me – the other Dad/Daughter Bonding was…well, Bond. Dad LOVES James Bond. We would see every movie when it was on television or opened in the theater. Moonraker was one of my favorites – because Jaws got the girl, and there was a space station. The fact I was able to tell him that means there’s one less unseized opportunity.
Lazy Dragon 2008
As we were about to leave, I noticed a bunch of the young Japanese waitresses pointing and whispering. They finally asked if Kiel was who he was, and if they could get pictures. He graciously agreed – on the condition you didn’t see the scooter in the shot. That was his rule. And you know, that’s not an unreasonable request because it also makes framing the shots a lot easier. We finally got our pictures in the parking lot as we walked back to the hotel – and I was able to call my dad for the “Guess who I got to have dinner with” neener/neener call.

I loved that evening. It remains a treasured memory. I haven’t had the opportunity to work with either man again – though I look forward to seeing James Hampton again – but Lazy Dragon Con was a lot of fun and Richard Kiel was and always will be one of the sweetest, nicest, biggest man – in heart and height that I’ve ever encountered. I hope his family finds peace and comfort in the days ahead.

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[Writer Post] Internet Slow Down

Posted by reudaly on September 10, 2014 in Life, Writing with Comments closed |

Net Neutrality is important. Just say NO to “Fast Lanes”. If you haven’t signed a petition or emailed your congresscritters – do it now. This affects all of us – small and large blogs alike.

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[Pen/Pencil Review] Monteverde Telescopic Ballpoint Pen With Stylus

Posted by reudaly on September 8, 2014 in Review, writing instruments with Comments closed |

Jimmy and I were taking advantage of a sale at Fry’s Electronics last week when we saw this week’s pen (in a two-pack) in their Office Supply Section. This week’s pen is part of Monteverde 365 Everyday Collection. It’s the S-102 Telescopic Ballpoint pen with stylus – also part of the One Touch Stylus line. We picked up the red barrel ones in a two pack – Jimmy’s favorite color.
Jimmy’s a fan of the telescopic pens and pencils for the simple fact he can clip it on a small notebook and have it all fit in his pocket. There’s definitely a benefit there. These are 4.25 inches long compacted and just over 5.25″ long fully extended. That makes this pen long enough to be comfortable in use and small enough to lose in a purse.
This pen is well constructed and attractive. The barrel is etched chrome plated metal for a stylish ribbed look leading to the tapered tip. There are a few ridges, but mostly they’re rounded for a pretty comfortable feel in the hand. It has a good diameter. The “cap” comes in four colors, we picked up red, which may ding and scratch – but so far so good. The clip is sturdy metal – it’s not going to snap off. The pen retracts by sliding the ink and barrel into the red cap. The stylus works as it should on tablets and smart phones.
This pen has a medium point black ink, which is fine. It feels like a 1.0mm – which means more potential for smearing and glops. I would LIKE to make it a 0.7mm, but I haven’t found refill information on it yet. So, I’m not sure it’s refillable. I HOPE it is, that would make this pen AMAZING.
The numbers:

1. How does it work?1 – It works just fine. The ink is dark and rich. The mechanism telescopes and retracts. The stylus operates touch screens just fine.
2. Grip and feel1 – This is not designed to be “ergonomic”. So the grip is smooth and metal. But that gives it the right design to retract into the barrel cap – so the trade off works. It’s well balanced and long enough to be comfortable.
3. Material1 – This is well made, especially for the price. It’s all metal and strong. It’s attractive. And the stylus is good quality rubber.
4. Overall Design0.5 – The reason I’m giving this a bit of a knock, is that ON MINE (and it could be just this one), I have to retract it more with a jiggle to make sure the ink retracts all the way. And the point seems a bit big for the design. I would put a finer point in it – IF I know it was refillable, which I can’t verify. And with the stylus, if you’re trying to avoid germs, you’ve got options.
5. Price Point1 – They’re not expensive, especially for being metal and a specialized design. These pens run about $6.99 for a two pack – making them $3.50 a piece. Not a bad price even if they aren’t refillable. The ink should last a good time. And at this price – and in two-packs, if you lose one in a pocket or off a desk, they’re replaceable.

That’s 4.5 of 5 bronze pencils.

Pencil 4.5

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