[Pen/Pencil Review] New Pen Outlet Discovered
I promise I’m going to get to ACTUAL pen reviews again soon, but I didn’t have a moment to spare today (much). But I’m getting a blog post in.
Jimmy discovered – and enabled me again – a new pen and pencil outlet online – Tokyo Pen Shop. He discovered some Pentel 205s he didn’t have there. And after a quick look through to get a couple of things to bump his order over to free shipping ($25 like JetPens), I found some things I either missed in other places or didn’t know about. I picked up a pen a tiny reporter’s notebook to try out. I look forward to doing a full review of them in the future. The fact they also threw in a piece of candy and a sticker is a bonus.
I did, indeed, add the sticker to the back of the notebook – and it just fit to make it a personalized experience to me. We’ll see how things go. Pricing seems comparable to JetPens. I’ll be doing some comparisons down the road. Or when I’m ready to do more, just spreading the love. But so far, the pricing has been great. We got the order in quickly with the treats. I’m impressed with them so far.
So go check out Tokyo Pen Shop – they’re in Iowa, I think. You can tell them I sent you, but they don’t know me yet, so it might just scare them. 😎
[Writer Post] The Convention That Was
Welcome to the first Wednesday of 2017. Time for new beginnings and new ‘tudes. Hopefully some new habits and productivity. There’s a lot going on in the next few months, but I’m dedicated to making it all work – because honestly, there’s not much choice in the matter. Failure isn’t really an option – but there are degrees of success. So, here we go, once more into the breach.
I will cap out 2016 by addressing the topical elephant in the room – Marvelous Nerd Years Eve. There was good. There was bad. There was ugly. My ugly wasn’t nearly as ugly as others.
The Good – Nichelle Nichols is EVERY BIT as beautiful, gracious, kind… add every glowing adjective you can think of here… as every story you’ve ever heard about her. And she LOVES butterscotch triple chocolate chip cookies. Every Animaniac voice actor (especially Maurice LaMarche and Jess Harnell) are brilliant, lovely, talented people who even chat with fan girl guests.
But most especially, the boots on the ground that came together around Devin Pike to make this show something entertaining for those who came. They pulled major miracles. Devin Pike nearly killed himself to make this work. There were people who tried VALIANTLY to keep Devin Pike from not actually physically DYING while trying to fix this show. Sadly… there were so many things Devin’s Army couldn’t control or fix though they tried to make it all less visible.
The beautiful handful of people who came to my panels, listened to me ramble, asked questions and were all around good eggs.
The Bad – If you want to know the basic issues? See my post about the OKC Geek Expos show. Many of the same issues – lack of signage directing people anywhere, split levels that confused folks, etc. And, frankly, the show was too long, too expensive, and at a poor time of the year for it. It was one of those IDEAS that was brilliant on paper but didn’t quite materialize. Attendees steadfastly made NO EYE CONTACT with artists and vendors for fear they’d buy something.
Lack of consistent communication amongst staff. Not everyone knew what VIP passes, Guest Badges, or other perks meant.
The Ugly – The seemingly lack of regard/respect for the “University†side of the programming track by SOME upper level staff. Starting with having to push to get the tables promised to writer/artist guests – which was the only “payment†most of us received for providing hour long panels/presentations. The panel room assignment was changed the week before the convention with no notification to us (we had to check the website and the wall signs) to a room that doubled as a dance party room. Only ONCE was the room actually set for a traditional panel, and on that day I was told I got a little excited about making it so, it was being taken care of (I cut that guy some slack, he’d just gotten laid off from the convention) AFTER they’d set up the Speed Dating room. I had to shoo dancers and speed daters out of the room for my panel. One author canceled one of her panels because the hotel was taking out tables and chairs to set up for the dance party that night. And I personally helped set up chairs so the third author could hold her panel after we had to shoo out the sound and light crew. But for the most part, we did what we agreed to do – we held panels. We gave presentations. It’s what we signed on to do.
This is IN SPITE OF being a guest of the convention, listed in programming, and advertised on the front page. It’s one thing to know you’re not the draw (or the financial responsibility) as one of the actors. It’s another to basically have your nose rubbed in it like an unhousebroken puppy. It’s one thing for certain staffers to think or believe authors are a waste of space or resources, but this was so very overt. RESPECT AND PROFESSIONALISM go a long way – and yes, both directions. But for the most part, we writers did what we agreed to do – we held panels. We gave presentations. It’s what we signed on to do.
Future con runners! LEARN FROM THIS. I will go to hell and back with Devin Pike. If he ever does a show again, I’ll support him. The crew behind THIS show? Never again. I know who they are. I know where they’re based. I gave them a second chance with this show because of Devin. Twice bitten, baby. Twice bitten. I may not totally give up on pop culture events, but I will have major trust issues.
[Pen/Pencil Blog] New Year, New Sales, New Opportunities
Today is the holiday day off for New Year’s Day. I’m also recouperating from a long weekend at a convention. I did play with the Faber-Castell Grip Plus Ballpoint pen when one of my Sherpa inserts ran out of ink this weekend.
I’ve also picked up a couple of other things during After Holiday Sales – I broke down and got a whole set of 0.5mm Papermate InkJoy retractable gel pens in the 12 color pack (because it was on sale at Staples).
Then today I got the infamous “inventory reduction sale” from Paradise Pen Company – since ConDFW next month is in Fort Worth instead of near the Dallas Galleria – we went today instead of trying to figure out a Birthday Pilgrimmage. I have a couple of new pieces that are part of “Christmas Money” and some being put away for birthday.
So next up, back to actual pens! And organization. And yoga. And STUFF. Bear with me. The tracks are realigning and we’ll be heading in a forward motion very soon.
[Writer Post] Challenges
Last blog post of 2016 and it’s punctuated with loss and some frustration – which I guess sums up 2016 in a nutshell. Loss and frustration. Good things happened, but it’s been a pretty dark year over all. I’m looking forward to 2017. I have PLANS, man. Lots of PLANS. Going to try to shake this “what’s it all for†feeling that I’ve been getting from the for-profit/commercial conventions.
I know I’m not the only one struggling with writing, promotion, and marketing. We all are as writers try to navigate the new publishing paradigms. Writers have to carve out their own ways of building and maintaining an audience. There’s only so much a person can do through social media. It takes getting out in front of people – and therein lies the challenge.
The fan-run, more literary conventions are great. They treat writers well. Writers get to hang with other writers to recharge and connect with each other. The downside (if you can call it that) is that you often see the same faces. Which is great in the push to create new material, but as others point out, it’s a diminishing return. Then there are the commercial conventions where you can go to sell books to people who’ve never heard of you – however, this is more difficult because you’re either paying A LOT for tables in the artist alley and hawking your wares (which many are good at doing), or hoping more than 6 people come to panels that aren’t well-advertised because no matter the good intentions, the actors are the money draw and get the focus.
Did you see that? Writers (and most artists) – unless you’re at a rarified high level – DO NOT GET PAID to do shows/conventions. At MOST we get tables costs (which comes with the badge) or entrance fee waived. Some comic shows will pay for hotel for writers they invite but rarely travel. Fan runs pay hotel and travel from their named guests of honor. ALL OTHER PROS PAY THEIR OWN WAY. Let that sink in a moment. Every convention I go to, I’m paying 75% – 100% of my own way there to entertain fans, and hopefully build or maintain an audience. LET THAT SINK IN.
Any money writers and artists make are from products sold – like any other toy, shirt, or other vendor. On top of performing (doing panels or demos). We’re not paid to be at the show. We’re taking time out of producing material to come meet new people and sell books or art or do a panel. Maybe sell some books – IF we have that table. It’s a serious struggle. Is it worth it? Is it not?
There’s no quick or easy answer. We need you, the fans. We need the exposure. We also need to be able to feed, clothe, and shelter ourselves. It’s a very complex shell game. Which is why most of us have day jobs. Which is why many don’t have health insurance or walk a very fine financial line – and/or fight a good fight against pirating.
[Pen/Pencil Review] The Christmas Haul
Just in case anyone was concerned… the pen blog is safe for a while. Thanks to wonderful people in my life who totally enable me. I still have to clean out the GIANT BOX OF PENS – which is part of the Grand Organizational Process of 2017. JetPens did an awesome black ink sampler… so prepare for a lot of black ink. But there are a whole lot of other things, too.
So we’ll see where things head in the new year. There are plans and goals. Pens are just part of it. Another part is actually USING them. One of the things I will talk about more about in the Wednesday blog is this “journal” I received. WRITE THE STORY.
This thing has a prompt and certain elements on each page. Ranging all over the place. Not a lot of space, just a page. I’m hoping to use this as a warm up exercise. Allen Williams triggered this by posting a while back by showing what he drew on just for him before working on the commission work. Cool idea because I know some days I am not feeling whatever novel or short story I’m working on. I’m hoping this helps jog my brain. If it ends up creating new flash fiction or longer works, then all the better.
So pens and things to write. But first… Marvelous Nerd Years Eve. I have panels. I’m told I have a table, but I have no where.
[Writer Post] Season’s Confessions
Merry Wednesday Before Christmas. All is TRYING to be Merry and Bright, but I admit this year the holidays a bit of a struggle. It’s not just because 2016 has been a year punctuated by a random acts of suckage, but because there’s also been a lot of OFF.
I know I say I don’t do New Year’s Resolutions – and I don’t the whole “doomed to fail†thing, but dude. I have to resolve to get my head back in the game. This being “Off†has got to end. There’s no real room for my lack of focus and meh-ness.
I do know that part of my “Off†this season was scheduling. Once a set timeline is thrown off – this year by the work trip that took me out for a week – getting back on track is an uphill battle. I know everything’s going to get done and be fine, but so far all the holiday stuff has been frantic, last minute headless chicken scurrying. That’s no good. Feeling behind and rushed just makes everything…harder…and when a distraction/escape comes along, much too easy to throw one’s hands up and say, “screw it.†Then the vicious cycle begins.
Trying to be DONE with that. But as with all cycles, that’s difficult to break. It’s too easy to procrastinate. It’s too easy to say, “Oh, Jimmy’s not feeling well, I’ll take care of him.†Which sounds good, until you realize that that’s code for sitting around watching TV instead of being somewhat productive. There’s nothing WRONG with taking care of an ill loved one (it’s kinda the thing to do) or having a night to watch TV, but when it all compounds, then… yeah.
This is on me. No excuses. No quibbles. Nothing. I did this. I allowed it to happen, compound, and mess with my head. I’m not saying it won’t happen again (it will), but now I see it, recognize it, and hope to mitigate the spiral. Because things to be written.
And now for the good things – next week, Marvelous Nerd Years Eve and … THIS…This right here?
Is available for pre-order and will be available at ConDFW in February. This is the most surreal thing that has happened to me in my writing career. Please go check it out, preorder if you’re not coming to ConDFW. If you’re waffling about coming to ConDFW, let this sway you. A bunch of us will be there. A signing will happen. Other stuff will happen.
[Pen/Pencil Review] A 2016 Holiday Best of – Sort Of
As 2016 comes to a close, there’s still time for a couple more pen blogs. It’s been a hard year with loss and change and SO MUCH DRAMA causing some stutters along the way. Thanks for hanging with me as I muddled my way through the year and still sometimes stumble to get things done. This particular blog is a kind of “Favorite Things†type post.
Generally, in the month of December – and especially the week or two before Christmas – I generally pull out the Red and Green ink. It helps keep me in the spirit even when things go wonky. Last week was all about the green ink.
My two favorite green gel pens this season are:
The Pentel Ener-Gel Green Ink – 0.7mm – check out the original review for all the reasons why.
The PaperMate Ink Joy Green Gel – 0.7mm – check out the original review for all the reasons why.
But these are the rich and dark colors of the season – I’m still looking for a ballpoint that makes me happy.
My two favorite red gel pens this season are:
The Pilot G2 Red Ink (fashion element – it looks like a candy cane) – 0.7mm – check out the original review for all the reasons why.
The Office Depot Red Stick Gel – 0.5mm – I’ve had these for years and if I reviewed it, I can’t find it. I should’ve been using the TUL but they’re in a box somewhere. For how OLD this pen is – I’ve had a box of them for literally years and years and they STILL WORK. Nothing’s dried out. And you might still be able to get them.
All of these are affordable, findable, and good solid pens that dry quickly and have a rich color that will have you festive in no time.
To the numbers:
1. How does it work? – 1 The inks are AMAZING, and pretty uniform in drying times. The retraction mechanisms are solid. The stick pen is a stick pen.
2. Grip and feel – 1 – They are basic pens with minimal frills. The two with rubberized grips are pretty comfortable.
3. Material – 1 – These are basic plastic pens and solid for what they are
4. Overall Design – 1 – They’re the most go to pens in my holiday arsenal.
5. Price Point – 0.5 – These are solid, every day pens with fairly decent price points. Good for stocking stuffers.
My Marvelous Nerd Years Eve Panel Schedule
As it stands currently, here’s my panel listing for Marvelous Nerd Year’s Eve.
There are going to be a lot of things to do at this comic con – lots of panels, etc.
Friday December 30, 2016 :: 12:15 pm to 1:15 pm
MNYE U: After The End – (The Story’s Done, Now What?) with Rhonda Eudaly :: Pearl 4 – MNYE University
You’ve finished your story, YAY! Now it’s time to do something with it. From Beta Readers to Writing Groups to Professional Editors, how do you choose what the next step is? Where do you find markets or an agent? How to talk to pros. We cover the bases.
Saturday December 31, 2016 :: 1:15 pm to 2:15 pm
MNYE U: Choosing the Size of Your Pond – Rhonda Eudaly :: Pearl 4 – MNYE University
(Surviving Small Press) – What publishing path is right for you? There are so many publishing options to explore. We discuss the pros and cons of Big Traditional Publishers, Small Press, and Independent publishing. Know your options and what they mean before you choose, because Knowing IS Half the Battle.
Sunday January 1, 2017 :: 11:15 am to 12:30 pm
MNYE U: Full Unit of Entertainment :: Pearl 4 – MNYE University
(Moving the Plot Along) – Whatever story you’re creating, you need a beginning, middle, and end. We talk about what it means to have a Full Unit of Entertainment from single story to story arc to keep your audience satisfied.
[Writing Post] The Children of Tendu
It’s Wednesday. While I’m in the process of “re-redding” the hair in anticipation of a Christmas party this weekend (and I hate being called a blonde – I’m so NOT a blonde) I’m working on this blog.
I’m not an early adopter of a lot of things – especially technology. So I’m generally late to things like say, podcasts. But I’ve found one that I’m listening to. I mentioned it on social media after listening to the first episode – which was the most recent, now I’m going back to the very beginning. It’s The Children of Tendu with Javier Grillo-Marxuach and Jose Molina. I said “If you want to be a screenwriter at all? You need to check out @ChildrenofTendu (if you’re not already). @OKBJGM is awesome!”
I was wrong!
If you are interested in ANY kind of writing, professional development/advice, just all around good information – LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST!!! Yes, they talk about screenwriting. And dude, when I thought I wanted to be a screenwriter, when I was getting my Radio-TV-Film degree, I wish I had something like this. I swear I’m learning more than I did then about the actual way things work. BUT…BUT…BUT… back then, when I was a snot-nosed brat (shut up), I don’t know that I would’ve listened to them. I had my moments of “I KNOW EVERYTHING! Rules don’t apply TO ME.” Yeah… not so much – but NOW. NOW, dude, seriously. It may be about scriptwriting and working in television in LA – but it applies to… seriously, everything.
Start at the beginning. You won’t be sorry. And when they talk about challenges of women in LA and writing? They come out and say they can’t talk about that, that they need to bring on, you know, ACTUAL WOMEN working in TV to talk about that. I haven’t gotten to that podcast yet, but so awesome that they don’t even TRY.
Writers? Go listen. You won’t regret it. Not for a minute. It’s a master class on how life really works as a writer – and some bits are hard truths. We are not special snowflakes. Sometimes we have to play well with others and let others take leads. If you’re a prose writer and get lost in writer rooms and showrunners, etc? Think of it this way: Network = Publishing Company (Traditional – especially Big Six); Showrunner = Publisher; Strong Number 2 maybe Executive Producer = Editor; the producer level and staff writers? Yeah, that’s you. And sometimes it means sucking it up and doing the job (Hello, real world) and not being the star of the show.
MASTER CLASS. Seriously. Not just writing, but working with actors and agents and all kinds of stuff. They’re also entertaining. There’s some “NSFW” language, so it’s a bit salty. So if that bothers you? Be aware. The rest? There will be a lot that strikes nerves. LISTEN TO THE NERVES. It’ll push buttons – but in a good way. Learn. I am. Then go do – which I haven’t been nearly as good at as I needed to be lately. That stops. I haven’t gotten where I wanted to be this year – but let’s face it 2016 has been one body blow after another on a lot of scales. I’m not taking it anymore. I’m not going to settle.
I love my day job. It’s challenging and maddening and different and expanding. But it’s not my heart and my passion. And if this soul-sucking craptastic year taught us anything is not to take anything – especially time – for granted. So go listen, go learn, and go write.
[Pen/Pencil Review] Baltimore Airport Stylus Pen – Black Ink
I had a lot of time to kill in the Baltimore airport a couple of weeks ago, so I did goofy shopping – some Christmas some not. One of the things I picked up was a Baltimore ballpoint & stylus pen in one of the gift shops – in green (the barrel, not the ink). I was rather surprised by this pen.
This pen is well constructed and attractive. The barrel is green aluminum with “silver†(aka non-colored aluminum) accents – or shiny chromed. The grip has textured bands for traction. The clip is solid metal molded to the clicker cap. The word Baltimore is etched into the barrel so it won’t rub off. The pen is about 5.5†with the tip retracted and 5.75†with the tip extended. The tip extends through the rubber stylus.
This pen has a medium point black ink, which is fine. It feels like a 1.0mm – which means more potential for smearing and glops. I would LIKE to make it a 0.7mm, but you take what you get with this kind of pen. The ink seems like a generic ball point ink insert, so it may be possible to customize.
What threw me for a moment when I first got it was this little tab of plastic/rubber that lay beside the pen tip when I was using it. I thought it was a flaw. It is not, and I’m glad I didn’t pick it off. It’s a flap. When the tip is retracted, this tiny bit of rubber closes the hole in the stylus so you don’t accidentally push too hard on the stylus and write on your screen (not that I’ve ever done that… no, not me).
The barrel can be cold and hard, but it’s still a pretty comfortable pen, and it was $3.99 in the Baltimore airport, so not horribly expensive – but I don’t recommend flying to Baltimore for JUST a pen. But if you do go through there, they’re in the one of the gift shops. And it’s a pretty decent, go to pen. Especially if you like the pen/stylus combos.
The numbers:
1. How does it work? – 1 – It works just fine. The ink is dark and rich. The mechanism extends and retracts. The stylus operates touch screens just fine.
2. Grip and feel – 1 – This is not designed to be complete “ergonomic”. So the grip is textured metal. It’s a good length and width. It’s well balanced and long enough to be comfortable.
3. Material – 1 – This is well made, especially for the price. It’s all metal and strong. It’s attractive. And the stylus is good quality rubber.
4. Overall Design – 1 – Once I figured out the stylus cover wasn’t a defect, I was a lot happier. The pen is solid, it’s decent ballpoint. The stylus functions. It does what it’s supposed to do.
5. Price Point – 0.5 – Considering you have to go to Baltimore to get one? Yeah… or find one similar somewhere else… but still $3.99 for a gimmick pen is a bit pricy. It can be refilled if you figure out what refill it takes.
That’s 4.5 of 5 bronze pencils.