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[Pen/Pencil Review] Baux Pen Company

Posted by reudaly on April 17, 2019 in Review, writing instruments with Comments closed |

This week’s pen review is going to be a little bit different. It’s a pen, but with no writing sample – for reasons that shall become clear. This particular pen was a birthday gift from Jimmy through a Kickstarter project so there’s going to be a few unusual bits. The pen comes from the same family as my Spoke Pencil from ages ago – which has now become part of Jimmy’s Pentel P205 collection — Baux Pen Company.

So, these pens are machined aluminum with anodized satin colors – mine is black. But the barrel is only half the length of the pen. The other half is the machined grip that comes in aluminum, titanium, and brass. We got the titanium grip, because titanium is cool. We had options for the end plug – that’s where the green comes in. The pen has a slightly tapered end toward the plug which allows the cap to post. The pen is 6” long with the cap it came with, and a smidge over 6.5″ capped. It’s pretty well balanced – good weight without being “hefty”.
Metal pen with titanium grip and personalized engraving.
Now, you may have noticed that I said, “cap it came with” and that there wouldn’t be a writing sample. This is not usual but Baux pens are a newish type thing. It’s kind of like one of my several Sherpa Sharpie covers, and yet it’s not. These pen bodies are designed to take the classic BIC ink insert – so the pen can be almost any point size and color. It came with a standard BIC Round Stic in black, so 1.0mm. The cap is the one that came with the original pen.

For a metal grip, it is comfortable. It’s a good length and weight. And, honestly? DARNED COOL LOOKING. Because what’s not cool about a BIC-style pen that you can nearly concuss someone with. They’re also customizable and engravable. I ended up with my married name because I thought I’d use it more at work (like this week).
Metal pen uncapped with the grip unscrewed from the barrel.
But, they’re “artisan” pens. They are not cheap. I don’t remember how much Jimmy backed the Kickstarter for, but they’re on the Baux Pen Co. website for between $9.50 and $15.50 depending on which metals you choose for the grip – aluminum is less expensive than brass or titanium, and custom engraving is more expensive than the straight Baux logo.
Metal pen uncapped with the grip unscrewed and the ink popped out to show refill.
The Conti brothers know how to make a relatively common writing instrument (BIC and Pentel P -205) new and exciting. Go them.
The numbers:
1. How does it work?1It’s a BIC pen in a metal case. The cap fits well on the post. It’s easy to refill – though the grip has the longest threading of any pen I’ve ever had.
2. Grip and feel1 – There’s nothing soft and squishy about the pen – it’s all metal. They have made an attempt at ergonomics with the ribbing, but it does flow well into the point, so it’s pretty awesome.
3. Material1 This is high-quality anodized aluminum. It’s sturdy but light. It does seem to be top notch materials.
4. Overall Design1 – It’s very “engineered” looking. It’s sharp, it’s well-designed. It’s pretty while being utilitarian. Someone put a lot of thought and work into this design to make it “new” when there’s not a lot you can do with a BIC pen. They get credit for that.
5. Price Point0.5 – They Are. Not. Cheap. I got this one for a gift, so bear with me here. Jimmy was an early supporter – so I have no idea what HE paid – which probably isn’t what’s on the site. The website sells these for $9.50 – $15.50 depending on what options. I’m only knocking a half point off because they’re artisan. This is not something you can get in a store. They’re functional art work. I want some more eventually. For writer stuff, you know, and different engravings and colors.

I give it 4.5 out of 5 Bronze Pencils

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[Write the Story] The Loss of a Loved One

Posted by reudaly on April 12, 2019 in Write the Story, Writing with Comments closed |

Prompt: The Loss of a Loved One

Words: bachelor, chandelier, ladybug, Muslim, strive, inverse, mannerism, balance, overreact, prime


Lisa blinked in the glittering lights of the antique chandelier in Uncle Tapping’s foyer. She never quite understood her bachelor uncle’s decorating style except it was as over the top as his mannerism. A lump formed in her throat at the thought of him no longer alive.

“Excuse me, miss?”

Lisa stifled a cry as she tried to regain her balance after being startled. But as she took a deep breath, the other person registered. “You must be Nadia.”

The Muslim woman in a ladybug hijab nodded. “Apologies for startling you, miss.”

“And I apologize for my overreact. Please call me Lisa. Uncle Tapping spoke highly of you. You were his student?”

“Yes. We worked on inverse gravitational law and the prime dimensional shifts. I will strive to finish the work we started.”

“I’m sure he would appreciate that…”

“Oh, it’s not just in his memory. I think I found a way to bring him back. If I can figure out the last of the equations we can roll back the veil and open the dimensional gateways.”

“You’re saying Uncle Tapping may not be dead?” Lisa couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“I never said he was dead. I said he was gone. Lost. We can bring him back.”


“I’m going to bring him back, and I need your help.”

Word Count: 221

Written: 4/9/19

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[Pen/Pencil Review] Daiso 2 in 1 Pen and Stamp Set

Posted by reudaly on April 9, 2019 in Review, writing instruments with Comments closed |

I love Daiso. So much so that I just had to introduce my friend, Nora, to this amazing place when she came down. You see, Nora and I love a good bargain – resale shops, dollar stores (the good ones), and she had never heard of Daiso. This had to change. She LOVED it, and I love the stationary section and tend to overboard it there.
image of four pens and stamps in package
This is one of those times. This time I picked up the multi-pack of the 2 in 1 pen and stamp pens. This stemmed from the fact I forgot to take my weird $1 bin stamps that I bought last year for a writer thing to this year’s writer thing – WORD in the Field this time. They do a bingo card. I could’ve used these there.
image of the ink and stamps of pens
These pens are half 0.7mm fiber tipped pens/markers (THAT much I can read on the package and got wrong in the writing samples) in primary colors – red, green, blue, and orange – and half 5mm self-inking stamps – heart, musical note, star, and flower – in contrasting shades/colors. (Wow that’s a huge sentence.) These pens are pretty long, 6.5″ both capped and posted. The pen tapers to a textured grip and guard to the fiber tip. The tip seems pretty sturdy.
image of four pens and stamps of various shades of green, red, yellow, and blue
The ink takes a second or two to dry. The writing tip dries more quickly (which seems obvious) than the stamp ink. The symbol of the stamps are designs on the cap. The stamp cap doesn’t post, but the pen end does. The colors are bright and a somewhat vibrant – though it’s water-based ink, so don’t get it wet.

They’re just…adorable. And they’re Daiso, so $1.50 for the package? Nothing beats that.

Now to the numbers:

1. How does it work?1 This pen works well. The ink flows well and is pretty dark and rich. The stamps work the way one would expect.
2. Grip and feel0.5 – It’s plastic. Well done plastic but completely plastic. There are some ridges for the cap lock that can dig in.
3. Material1 It’s all plastic but for the most part the detailing and design are pretty nifty. I half expect something on it to dry out pretty quickly – likely the stamp ends first.
4. Overall Design1 – Okay, I like it since it managed to surprise me. The ink and design are well done. I see this as a solid, fun pen and stamp.
5. Price Point1 – You can’t beat this. 4 pens plus stamps for $1.50 at Daiso. Even if they all dry out in less than a week? TOTALLY worth it. I hope I can keep them around or find them again the next time I need something for like Writer Bingo.

I give it a 4.5 out of 5 bronze pencils.

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[Write the Story] The Main Character Witnesses a Crime

Posted by reudaly on April 5, 2019 in Write the Story, Writing with Comments closed |

Prompt: The Main Character Witnesses a Crime

Words: Christmas, almond, paisley, lion, pipe, scream, fade, French horn, inflate, maple

“Hello, 911? I think a crime’s been committed. Please send the police. I think it’s a robbery?”

“So, what do you think was stolen?” the police officer asked an hour or so later.

“It’s not that anything was…stolen…it was left behind?”

“Excuse me?”

The officer was understandably confused but trying to explain it made me want to scream. “Come with me. Let me show you.”

I took Officer Skeptical into the parlor. There, scattered everywhere were…things. A stuffed lion with a jaunty paisley bow. A gleaming French horn. And more.”

“Oh, one thing is gone,” I said. “An entire plate of almond cookies.”

“Did you see who did this?”

Finally! He was taking me seriously. “I only caught a glimpse, and it was weird. It was an older guy, and he didn’t so much break in as like inflate from nothing. He had white hair and a beard with a pipe that smelled like maple syrup. Then when he was done he seemed to fade out.”

The cop closed his notebook and gave me a sad, pitying look. “This wasn’t a crime, ma’am.”

“Then what was it?”

“Christmas, ma’am,” he said. “It was Christmas. You saw Santa. These are gifts. Have a nice night, ma’am.”

As the cop left, I swore I heard bells and a ho, ho, ho.

Word Count: 219

Written: 4/4/19

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[Pen/Pencil Review] Conference Edition

Posted by reudaly on April 3, 2019 in Review, writing instruments with Comments closed |

So, yeah, I missed yesterday because I have been at a work conference.

Eight different ink pens from various vendors from a conference.

The conference pen haul and some souvenirs.

It’s been a great conference. Lots to think about and be better at in terms of online Whole Community communication. One speaker proposed a concept that I think for her was either an analogy or a metaphor but really needs to be a thing – Universal Design for Communication. Mind blown.

Everything will be back to normal (I think) tomorrow afternoon when I get back to Texas. Tennessee has been great but I am ready to come home.

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[Write the Story] Conspiracy Theorists Convention

Posted by reudaly on March 29, 2019 in Write the Story, Writing with Comments closed |

Prompt: Conspiracy Theorists Convention

Words: crop circles, vacation, possum, filibuster, mutiny, scour, compass, drift, drawback, electric


“I can’t believe this is what you call a vacation.” Amanda yawned and stretched. “Though I did get a good nap during that filibuster.”

“You mean the keynote speaker? How can you say that? Dr. Cunningham’s research on crop circles is electric.” Noah picked up the pace, following a compass out of the hotel and into thick foliage. Amanda had to scurry to keep up.

“No to cause some kind of mutiny here, but where are we going?” she asked.

“Possum Caverns. All the research says there’s proof of other civilizations there. PROOF!”

“Then why hasn’t it been blown all over the media?”

Noah deflated a little. “That is one of the drawbacks. I’ve had to scour a lot of data streams to find this information. It’s like it’s being suppressed. There are others who believe it, too. That’s why we’re going now. I want to take something b ack for my panel after lunch break.”


Amanda drifted behind Noah as he plowed through the trees to the caves, knowing he’d never make it back to the hotel. She’d have a harrowing tale for the mysterious disappearances panel after all.

Word Count: 191

Written: 3/19-20/19

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[Pen/Pencil Review] Green Donut Novelty Pen – Black Ink

Posted by reudaly on March 26, 2019 in Review, writing instruments with Comments closed |

Sometimes I just love going to Dollar Tree. You can find some really fun things – and some things are worth just what you pay for them – this is a fun thing. And Dollar Tree is KINDA like Daiso, but not quite as cool.

Not only is this just a silly fun pen, it is also a fine point gel pen – not more than 0.5mm, MAYBE a bit finer like a 0.4mm, but the package doesn’t say. It is a needle point with a faceted, clear plastic guard. It’s about 6.5” long, which makes it long enough to be comfortable. It’s fairly comfortable, but top heavy with the cute, sprinkle-endowed donut cap. It’s a completely smooth barrel with an edge before the faceted grip – so there are edges that can bite into fingers. It’s not a long-term writing pen.

The ink is dark and smooth – it does take a bit to dry, especially on the slicker paper. But for the price point the ink is good and the needle point seems pretty sturdy. The cap is clear plastic, but doesn’t post. It’s going to be relatively easy to lose if I’m not careful. It’s a super fun little piece for a totally worthwhile price – $1.

To the numbers:
1. How does it work?1 It’s decent for what it is – a fine, needlepoint gel pen with decent ink on rougher paper – it smears on slicker paper but dries pretty quickly
2. Grip and feel0.5 – It’s an inexpensive, plastic pen. The barrel is smooth. But it’s a bit top heavy with the donut.
3. Material1 It’s a novelty pen. It’s plastic with an adorable decoration.
4. Overall Design1 -It’s a perfectly functional, totally fun donut pen
5. Price Point1 – It was $1. Doesn’t get much better than that.

4.5 out of 5 Bronze Pencils

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[Write the Story] A Suspected Affair

Posted by reudaly on March 22, 2019 in Review, Write the Story with Comments closed |

Prompt: A Suspected Affair

Words: marriage, checklist, songbird, mango, ranch, stroke, magpie, scowl, simper, commotion


“Let’s go down the checklist.” Marie pulled out her notebook. “Have you noticed any changes in his behavior?”

“Like suddenly drinking mango tea?” Ellen worried the paper napkin into shreds.

“Is that odd for him?”

“Plain tea was all Chester ever wanted from me in all the years of our marriage. He always said he never anything shiny or frou-frou. He wasn’t a magpie.”

“And now?” Marie dipped a snow pea into ranch dressing to give Ellen time to answer. Marie had done dozens of these interviews. Which often led to clients. This was one of them by the scowl on Ellen’s face as she finished her story of woe.

Marie found the alleged temptress who’d caught Chester’s eye easily enough. The old “not a magpie” had found himself a colorful songbird. She followed, photographed, looked through trash until she had enough.

“Are you sure you want to be in on the confrontation?” Marie asked. “These things often cause quite the commotion.”

“I want to look her in the eye and watch her try to simper her way out of wrecking my home.”

Marie sighed and followed. Ellen was in for a shock. Chester had been hiding something, but it wasn’t an affair. He’d had a stroke and the woman was his rehab nurse.

Word Count: 214

Written: 3/12/19

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[Pen/Pencil Review] Zebra Tect 2way Light – Green – 0.5mm REVISIT

Posted by reudaly on March 19, 2019 in Review, writing instruments with Comments closed |

One of the best parts of having an excessive stash of writing instruments is that you can dig something out and almost have a brand new experience with it. This month I’ve been revisiting some of my green pens – whether just the barrel or also the ink. I stuck a pencil in this month’s stash because there’s one thing at the Day Job I prefer to use pencil for – then I fell into a pencil mood. I’d forgotten that I liked this one. I haven’t really used it since the review I did in 2017.
Today’s review is a day late because I took a four-day weekend for my birthday. It was a nice, quiet, restful weekend that was exactly what I wanted. So besides that, let’s talk mechanical pencils. This one is from Tokyo Pen Shop and Zebra – its’ the Zebra Tect 2Way Light 0.5mm in light green.

This is pencil is just fun. I picked the light green because… duh, green. It’s a sturdy plastic body with a bit of ergonomic grip as darker green rubber rings near the metal tip. The pencil is about 5.8″ long and has both a click mechanism to advance lead and the new(ish) shaker mechanism that also extends the lead. However, there’s a twisting “lock” at the top of the lower third of the barrel that switches the pencil from click advance to shaker. Personally, I’m always a bit iffy on the shaker aspect so I like the choice. There was a bit of a learning curve with the locking part, but I have a tendency to overthink and have fumble fingers. But once you realize the lock is a relatively narrow ring, it’s fine.
NOTE: I’ve kept it locked since this first review because I do prefer the manual advancing instead of the shaker style
< This pencil has a translucent barrel that lets you see some of the mechanisms. And it comes with standard HB lead, but with a fairly high density. I don't see it breaking as much as past leads. It’s long enough to be comfortable with enough nod to ergonomics to not be overly tiring – and I used it a lot over my birthday weekend to finish hand-writing the zero draft of the story. I didn’t had any more lead, and I’m still going (though I’ll replenish it with high-density B because I like darker lead) with what came with.
Next week, I hope to have a really interesting story to share on the blog – or it could just be another review. Stay tuned.

The numbers:

1. How does it work?1 It’s a decent mechanical pencil. The lead by clicking or shaking and retracts easily. The lead seems sturdy and less prone to breaking.
2. Grip and feel0.5 – It’s a plastic mechanical pencil with a nod to ergonomics. It attempts to be comfortable and generally succeeds but it can be tiring.
3. Material1 It’s plastic but solid metal accents in the clip and tip. The locking mechanism is decent when you figure it out.
4. Overall Design1 -It’s a mechanical pencil. It’s got a good lead mechanism and a retractable eraser. It is what it is.
5. Price Point0.5 – This one is more expensive than what I expect from Zebra – and available pretty much through online retailers like Tokyo Pen Shop. I’m not seeing it on the US website. It’s $10.00, which for a plastic mechanical pencil is a bit more than I want to spend, but it’s solid and decent and pretty cool.
Update: The price has come down to $7.50 on Tokyo Pen Shop, which is still a bit pricy but better.

4 out of 5 Bronze Pencils

Pencil 4.0

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[Write the Story] A Night at the Opera

Posted by reudaly on March 15, 2019 in Write the Story, Writing with Comments closed |

Prompt: A Night at the Opera

Words: Air Force, crane, orchestrate, leotard, stubble, pinpoint, placate, machete, photo, pivot


“Places, everyone. Places!” the stage manager bellowed through the backstage areas.

The singers and dancers scurried in all directions in a flurry of tulle and leotard.

“Air Force One has landed. We go in five!” The stage manager rubbed his three-day stubble. He found it difficult to orchestrate The Crane on a normal show night, but having the President in residence? That took a machete to his carefully laid plans.

They were already twenty minutes late for curtain. At least it was the House Manager’s job to placate the rest of the audience, not his. His job was to pinpoint any other problem that could cause the show to pivot from success to catastrophic failure.

If he performed his job flawlessly no one would notice. Others would get the credit. He would never be known or remembered. He smiled slowly. Show time. Go time. The Crane was an intricate and all-consuming show with lots of moving parts. He checked the photo on the back of his clipboard one last time, adjusted his headset and moved into position.

“Just another night, Booth?”

“Only the Ford’s Theatre’s best.” Booth stared out across the stage. “Presidents or not.”

Word Count: 195

Written: 3/2/2019

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